- The user should be able to recovery his password providing his email address;
- The user should be able to receive an email with instructions to recovery his password;
- The user should be able to reset his password;
- Use Mailtrap to test mail in development environment;
- Use Amazon SES to mail in production environment;
- The mail must happens on background (background jobs);
- The link sent by email to recovery password should expires in 2 hours;
- The user must confirm his new password;
- The user should be able to update his profile (name, email and password);
- The user should not be able to edit his email address to an already used email address;
- The user must provide his old password to update his password;
- The user must confirm his new password to update his current password;
- The user should be able to list all his appointments for a given day;
- The provider must receive a notification always when someone schedule with him;
- The provider should be able to see all non read notifications;
- The appointments for a given day must be cached;
- The provider's notification must be storaged on MongoDB;
- The provider's notification must be send in real-time with socket.io;
- The notification must have a status like read or pending for the provider can manage it;
- The user should be able to list all registered providers;
- The user should be able to view all the days of a month with at least one available interval for a given provider;
- The user should be able to list all available intervals for a given specific day for a given provider;
- The user should be able to make a new schedule with a provider;
- The providers index must be cached;
- Each schedule must have 1 hour of duration;
- The schedules should be available between 8am and 6pm (the first schedule at 8am and the last one at 5pm);
- The user can not schedule on an already scheduled interval;
- The user can not schedule on a past interval;
- The user can not schedule self services;
- Services;
- Repositories;
- Don't Repeat Yourself;
- Data Transfer Object;
- Dependency Invertion Principle;
- Single Responsability Principle;
- Keep It Simple & Stupid;
- DDD;
- Liskov Substitution Principle;
- Dependency Injection;
- Singleton;
- Controllers;
- TDD;
- Unit tests;
- Integration tests;