Autonomous kpatch pull request build and reporting bot.
This project is only a prototype.
- kpatch build and testing requirements
sudo dnf install curl jq perl-JSON
- Fedora:
sudo dnf install curl jq perl-JSON
- Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install curl jq libjson-perl
Create a github personal API token with repo and gist scopes enabled. This token will be used to periodically poll for new pull requests as well as posting test results as comments and test logs as a personal gist.
with a line like this:
machine login <username> password <token_value>
-n|name <name> kpatch-bot posting name
-d|poll_period <seconds> PR polling interval
-p|project <group/project> GitHub group/project name
-t|temp_dir <tmpdir path> Temporary file store
-v|verbose Verbose flag
-y|dry_run Dry run flag