FlipTheBlinds is an animation transition that creates a venetian blinds domino effect.
- Animation transition for use in presentations, navigation, and switching between tabs.
- Modal presentations can be programmatic or implemented using segues.
- Transition direction and speed is customizable.
- Designed for portrait device orientation.
- Swift 3.0
- iOS 8.0+
- Xcode 10.0+
pod "FlipTheBlinds"
- Assign the
property of the view controller being presented to the presenting view controller. - Add an extension to the presenting view controller that includes methods for the
. - Return instances of the
animator object usingFTBAnimationController(displayType:direction:speed:)
for presenting and dismissing.
// MARK: Programmatic option
func presentAction() {
let toViewController = ToViewController()
toViewController.transitioningDelegate = self
self.present(toViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
// MARK: Segue option
func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if segue.identifier == "segue", let destinationViewController = segue.destination as? toViewController {
destinationViewController.transitioningDelegate = self
// MARK: Transitioning Delegate
extension fromViewController: UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate {
func animationController(forPresented presented: UIViewController, presenting: UIViewController, source: UIViewController) -> UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning? {
return FTBAnimationController(displayType: .present, direction: .up, speed: .moderate)
func animationController(forDismissed dismissed: UIViewController) -> UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning? {
return FTBAnimationController(displayType: .dismiss, direction: .down, speed: .moderate)
- Assign the
property of the navigation controller to the root view controller. - Add an extension to the root view controller that includes the
and necessary transitioning method. - Return instances of the
animator object usingFTBAnimationController(displayType:direction:speed:)
for push and pop.
// MARK: Push
func pushAction() {
let navStackViewController = NavStackViewController()
self.navigationController?.delegate = self
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(navStackViewController, animated: true)
// MARK: Navigation Controller Delegate
extension NavRootViewController: UINavigationControllerDelegate {
func navigationController(_ navigationController: UINavigationController, animationControllerFor operation: UINavigationControllerOperation, from fromVC: UIViewController, to toVC: UIViewController) -> UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning? {
switch operation {
case .pop:
return FTBAnimationController(displayType: .pop, direction: .right, speed: .moderate)
case .push:
return FTBAnimationController(displayType: .push, direction: .left, speed: .moderate)
return nil
- Assign the
property of the tab bar controller to one of the root view controllers of the tab bar controller. - Add an extension to a root view controller that includes the
and necessary transitioning method. - Return an instance of the
animator object usingFTBAnimationController(displayType:direction:speed:)
// MARK: Delegate
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.tabBarController?.delegate = self
// MARK: Tab Bar Controller Delegate
extension TabBarRootOneViewController: UITabBarControllerDelegate {
func tabBarController(_ tabBarController: UITabBarController, animationControllerForTransitionFrom fromVC: UIViewController, to toVC: UIViewController) -> UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning? {
return FTBAnimationController(displayType: .tabSelected, direction: .down, speed: .moderate)
- The performance of
during modal transitions is slower. Further optimization is needed. - Drawing/Rendering images in the animator object can be problematic for the simulator. Device testing is recommended.
is used for modal presentations and may cause an inconspicuous flicker.
- FlipTheBlinds is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.