- New York, NY
- gencove.com
Forked from odelaneau/GLIMPSELow Coverage Calling of Genotypes
pbwt Public
Forked from richarddurbin/pbwtImplementation of Positional Burrows-Wheeler Transform for genetic data
C UpdatedJul 14, 2019 -
Graph-genotyping-paper-pipelines Public
Forked from danangcrysnanto/Graph-genotyping-paper-pipelinesCollection of Snakefile Python scripts for the variant discovery and genotyping pipelines in cattle
gwas-pw Public
Pariwise analysis of GWAS
fgwas Public
Functional genomics and genome-wide association studies
pophistory-tutorial Public
Tutorial on using popular tools for learning about population history
VCF-liftover Public
Forked from hmgu-itg/VCF-liftoverLiftover VCF files
lift-over-vcf Public
Forked from knmkr/lift-over-vcfUCSC liftOver (genome build converter) for vcf format
Minimac3 Public
Forked from Santy-8128/Minimac3Minimac3 is a low memory and computationally efficient implementation of the genotype imputation algorithms. Minimac3 is designed to handle very large reference panels in a more computationally eff…
C++ UpdatedJun 30, 2017 -
GLPhase Public
Forked from winni2k/GLPhaseA tool for phasing and imputing haplotypes in 10k+ low coverage sequencing samples
C++ UpdatedApr 6, 2017 -
gvcftools Public
Forked from sequencing/gvcftoolsUtilities to create and analyze gVCF files
C++ Other UpdatedMar 21, 2017 -
pmliability Public
Forked from jimmyzliu/pmliabilityEstimate individual posterior mean liability of complex disease
R UpdatedJun 15, 2016 -
moloco Public
Forked from jimmyzliu/molocoA tool for performing multiple-trait colocalization test using GWAS summary statistics
multisig-tool Public
Forked from coinbase/multisig-toolMultisig Vault recovery tool
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMay 5, 2016 -
2016-01-tennis-betting-analysis Public
Forked from BuzzFeedNews/2016-01-tennis-betting-analysisMethodology and code supporting the BuzzFeed News/BBC article, "The Tennis Racket," published Jan. 17, 2016.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJan 17, 2016 -
phenopredict21 Public
Command line tool to predict phenotype from VCF (gets models from pheno-server-21)
genome-server-21 Public
Serve your genotypes and phenotypes via an API for satoshis
ion-tree-list Public
Forked from fer/ion-tree-listIonic directive for displaying nested list items.
custom_db Public
Forked from tomazberisa/custom_dbCustom db script for DNA.land
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 15, 2015 -