COM Examples contains sample implementations that use Microsoft COM technology. The intention is to provide minimal working samples that explains how to implement and use COM objects.
- Interfaces: COM interfaces written in interface definition language (IDL)
- AtlServer: An ATL implementation of a COM server that provides hens
- AtlFreeServer: An COM server implemented without ATL. It provides dogs
- ManagedServer: An COM server implemented in .NET. Here you can buy dogs.
- PyComServer: An Com server implemented in python. It provides snakes.
- WinrtServer: An COM server implemented in winrt as an Universal Windows component. It provides programmers.
- ComUtility: COM related utilities used across the projects
- TutorialsAndTests: Tutorials and tests used to demonstrate how COM objects are used from C++
- InteropTests: Unit tests used to demonstrate how COM objects are used from .NET
- PyComTests: Unit tests used to demonstrate how COM objects are used from python
- Visual Studio 2019 with Universal Windows Platform development workload and Python development tools
- C++/WinRT templates and visualizer for VS2019 (Wsix)
- Python 3.9