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DirectX-Graphics-Samples Public
Forked from microsoft/DirectX-Graphics-SamplesThis repo contains the DirectX Graphics samples that demonstrate how to build graphics intensive applications on Windows.
C++ MIT License UpdatedDec 6, 2023 -
modern-embedded-programming-course Public
Forked from QuantumLeaps/modern-embedded-programming-courseCompanion repository to the "Modern Embedded Systems Programming" video course.
C GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 UpdatedNov 11, 2023 -
State-Oriented-Programming Public
Forked from QuantumLeaps/State-Oriented-ProgrammingState-Oriented Programming: was a cover story article about Hierarchical State Machines in C and C++ published originally in "Embedded Systems Programming" magazine in August 2000. This repository …
C Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 22, 2023 -
learn-metal-cpp-ios Public
Forked from metal-by-example/learn-metal-cpp-ios"Learn Metal with C++" samples, ported to iOS
C++ Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 16, 2023 -
video-streaming-example Public
Forked from bootstrapping-microservices/video-streaming-exampleA Node.js/Express example that demonstrates streaming video that works in both Chrome and Safari.
JavaScript UpdatedOct 31, 2022 -
gopl.io Public
Forked from adonovan/gopl.ioExample programs from "The Go Programming Language"
libmatoya Public
Forked from snowcone-ltd/libmatoyaCross-platform application development.
doxygen Public
Forked from doxygen/doxygenOfficial doxygen git repository
cmder Public
Forked from cmderdev/cmderLovely console emulator package for Windows
ViGEmBus Public
Forked from nefarius/ViGEmBusWindows kernel-mode driver emulating well-known USB game controllers.
VisualPinball.Engine Public
Forked from freezy/VisualPinball.Engine🎮 Visual Pinball Engine for Unity
DS4Windows Public
Forked from Ryochan7/DS4WindowsLike those other ds4tools, but sexier
ubisoft-laforge-animation-dataset Public
Forked from ubisoft/ubisoft-laforge-animation-datasetUbisoft La Forge - Animation Dataset
freedom Public
Forked from sifive/freedomSource files for SiFive's Freedom platforms
CPP-Reactive-Programming Public
Forked from PacktPublishing/CPP-Reactive-ProgrammingC++ Reactive Programming, published by Packt
pinball-construction-kit Public
Forked from freezy/pinball-construction-kitA pinball simulator based on Unreal Engine 4
sublime-unreal-snippets Public
Forked from awforsythe/sublime-unreal-snippetsA collection of Sublime Text 3 snippets for writing Unreal Engine 4 game code
twitter Public
Forked from kirkshoop/twitterrxcpp example of live twitter analysis
ish Public
Forked from ish-app/ishLinux shell for iOS
ethereumbook Public
Forked from ethereumbook/ethereumbookMastering Ethereum, by Andreas M. Antonopoulos, Gavin Wood
LibTerm Public
Forked from ColdGrub1384/LibTermiOS sandboxed terminal with Python, Lua and Clang
ComputerGraphicsProgramming_inOpenGL Public
Forked from shinerd/ComputerGraphicsProgramming_inOpenGLComputer Graphics Programming in OpenGL with C++
feather Public
Forked from qicosmos/featherFeather, a modern, rapid, cross-platform web development framework developed in c++17
vcpkg Public
Forked from microsoft/vcpkgC++ Library Manager for Windows, Linux, and MacOS
cpprestsdk Public
Forked from microsoft/cpprestsdkThe C++ REST SDK is a Microsoft project for cloud-based client-server communication in native code using a modern asynchronous C++ API design. This project aims to help C++ developers connect to an…
dep Public
Forked from golang/depGo dependency management tool
wercker-nodejs-heroku Public
Forked from foxy1982/wercker-nodejs-herokuWercker Heroku tutorial.
JSLint Public
Forked from jslint-org/jslintThe JavaScript Code Quality Tool
nvm Public
Forked from nvm-sh/nvmNode Version Manager - Simple bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
getting-started-golang Public
Forked from flenter/getting-started-golangA sample application in Go for wercker