- docker
- docker compose
- a ds18b20 sensor
.env-file in the build directory
DBUSER = 'xxxxxxx'
DATABASE = 'xxxxxxx'
PASSWORD = 'xxxxxxx'
POSTGRES_IP = 'xxxxxxx'
KAFKA_IP = 'xxxxxxx'
SELENIUM_IP = 'xxxxxxx'
KAFKA_PORT = 'xxxxxxx'
ZOOKEEPER_PORT = 'xxxxxxx'
POSTGRES_PORT = 'xxxxxxx'
SELENIUM_PORT = 'xxxxxxx'
postgres depend. sudo apt install postgresql libpq-dev postgresql-client postgresql-client-common -y pip install dbt-postgres
add .dbt/profiles.yml to home dir.
dbt run --profiles-dir ./profiles.yml
dbt debug --config-dir
type: postgres
threads: 1
host: xxxxxxx
port: 5432
user: xxxxxxx
pass: xxxxxxx
dbname: xxxxxxx
schema: staging
target: dev
dbt run --full-refresh
pip install kafka-python
pip install python-dotenv
transfer files setup cron
scp -r temperature-sensor pi@pi-node:/home/pi/temperature-sensor
crontab -e
0 * * * * python temperature-sensor/temp-sens-producer.py