JavaScript client library for consuming OpenAPI-enabled APIs with axios. Types included.
- Create API clients from OpenAPI v3 definitions
- Easy to use API to call API operations using JavaScript methods
client.searchPets({ ids: [1, 2, 3] })
client.updatePet(1, payload)
- Built on top of the robust axios JavaScript library
- Isomorphic, works both in browser and Node.js
- Generate TypeScript definitions (.d.ts) for your APIs with full IntelliSense support
npm install --save openapi-client-axios
With promises / CommonJS syntax:
const OpenAPIClientAxios = require('openapi-client-axios').default;
const api = new OpenAPIClientAxios({ definition: '' });
.then(client => client.getPetById(1))
.then(res => console.log('Here is pet id:1 from the api',;
With async-await / ES6 syntax:
import OpenAPIClientAxios from 'openapi-client-axios';
const api = new OpenAPIClientAxios({ definition: '' });
async function createPet() {
const client = await api.getClient();
const res = await client.createPet(null, { name: 'Garfield' });
console.log('Pet created',;
OpenAPI Client Axios uses operationIds in OpenAPIv3 definitions to call API operations.
After initalizing OpenAPIClientAxios
, an axios client instance extended with OpenAPI capabilities is exposed.
const api = new OpenAPIClientAxios({ definition: '' });
api.init().then((client) => {
client.updatePet(1, { age: 12 });
is an axios instance initalized with
baseURL from OpenAPI definitions and extended with extra operation methods for calling API operations.
It also has a reference to OpenAPIClientAxios at client.api
OpenAPIClientAxios operation methods take 3 arguments:
client.operationId(parameters?, data?, config?)
The first argument is used to pass parameters available for the operation.
// GET /pets/{petId}
client.getPet({ petId: 1 })
For syntactic sugar purposes, you can also specify a single implicit parameter value, in which case OpenAPIClientAxios will look for the first required parameter for the operation. Usually this is will be a path parameter.
// GET /pets/{petId} - getPet
Alternatively, you can explicitly specify parameters in array form. This method allows you to set custom parameters not defined in the OpenAPI spec.
// GET /pets?search=Garfield - searchPets
client.searchPets([{ name: 'search', value: 'Garfield', in: 'query' }])
The type of the parameters can be any of:
- query
- header
- path
- cookie
The second argument is used to pass the requestPayload
// PUT /pets/1 - updatePet
client.updatePet(1, { name: 'Odie' })
More complex payloads, such as Node.js streams or FormData supported by Axios can be used.
The first argument can be set to null if there are no parameters required for the operation.
// POST /pets - createPet
client.updatePet(null, { name: 'Garfield' })
The last argument is the config object.
The config object is an AxiosRequestConfig
object. You can use it to
override axios request config parameters, such as headers
, timeout
, withCredentials
and many more.
// POST /user - createUser
client.createUser(null, { user: 'admin', pass: '123' }, { headers: { 'x-api-key': 'secret' } });
comes with a tool called typegen
to generate typescript type files (.d.ts) for
OpenAPIClient instances using an OpenAPI definition file.
$ npm install -g openapi-client-axios-typegen
Usage: typegen [file]
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
typegen ./openapi.yml > client.d.ts - generate a type definition file
The output of typegen
exports a type called Client
, which can be used for instances created with OpenAPIClientAxios
Both the api.getClient()
and api.init()
methods support passing in a Client type.
import { Client as PetStoreClient } from './client.d.ts';
const client = await api.init<PetStoreClient>();
const client = await api.getClient<PetStoreClient>();
supports using both local and remote URLs for OpenAPI definition files.
$ typegen ./petstore.yaml
$ typegen
OpenAPI Client Axios is Free and Open Source Software. Issues and pull requests are more than welcome!