provides some additional functions not found in stringr for working with strings. Functions play quite nicely with the tidyverse. The functions are especially useful for working with URLs and file path data to extract specific text from strings.
You can install the released version of from github with:
# install.packages("remotes")
Quite frequently when working with urls or filepaths, one would like to strip out everything before or after a pattern or symbol. Sometimes we need to extract the text between patterns:
url <- ''
#What if we need just the base url?
str_extract_before(string = url, pattern = '/')
#> [1] ""
#If we need just the 'slug' (the part after the base url), we can use:
str_extract_after(string = url, pattern = '/')
#> [1] "vehicle/3GCPKTE77DG348900"
#Or if we need just the last section (the VIN):
str_extract_after(string = url, pattern = 'vehicle/')
#> [1] "3GCPKTE77DG348900"
#Both functions have a num_char argument that can allow specificity for how many characters you want returned:
str_extract_after(string = url, pattern = 'vehicle/', num_char = 5)
#> [1] "3GCPK"
#We can also select from the "first" (default) or "last" occurrences of patterns:
str_extract_after(string = url, pattern = '/', which = "last")
#> [1] "3GCPKTE77DG348900"
str_extract_before(string = url, pattern = '/', which = "last")
#> [1] ""
#Additionally, we often are interested in extracting text between two common patterns:
file_path <- "C:/Users/pingu/Downloads/a-very-poorly-named-file_08_09_2020.csv"
str_extract_between(string = file_path, pattern1 = '_', pattern2 = ".csv")
#> [1] "08_09_2020"
From time to time, it’s helpful to detect if a string contains more than one pattern, typically for filtering purposes.
#str_detect_multiple with the "and" method ensures that all patterns must be found to return TRUE:
file_path <- "C:/Users/pingu/Downloads/a-very-poorly-named-file_08_09_2020.csv"
str_detect_multiple(string = file_path, patterns = c("pingu", "2020"), method = 'and')
#> [1] TRUE
#An easier alias for this is str_detect_multiple_and()
str_detect_multiple_and(string = file_path, patterns = c("Downloads", "csv"))
#> [1] TRUE
Likewise, sometimes it’s helpful to detect if a string contains any patterns from a list of patterns.
#str_detect_multiple with the "or" method ensures at least one of patterns must be found to return TRUE:
file_path <- "C:/Users/pingu/Downloads/a-very-poorly-named-file_08_09_2020.csv"
str_detect_multiple(string = file_path, patterns = c("very", "purple"), method = 'or')
#> [1] TRUE
#It is also aliased with str_detect_multiple_or()
str_detect_multiple_or(string = file_path, patterns = c("large", "file"))
#> [1] TRUE
Understanding the context of a pattern match can also be important, extending the pattern by a maximum number of characters before and after the given pattern.
will return the first match of the pattern,
extended by the window_size
sentence <- "I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams."
str_extract_context(string = sentence, pattern = "my", window_size = 15)
#> [1] "I have spread my dreams under y"
will return all matches of the pattern,
extended by the window_size
str_extract_context_all(string = sentence, pattern = "my", window_size = 15)
#> [,1]
#> [1,] "I have spread my dreams under y"
#> [2,] "e you tread on my dreams."
These functions inherit properties from and are based on stringr::str_extract(), so patterns can be regular expressions. Consult the documentation for more details.
Lastly, there are specialized functions for extracting information before or after a date pattern.
file_path <- "*C:/Users/pingu/Downloads/a-very-poorly-named-file_08_09_2020.csv"
str_extract_before_date(file_path, date_sep = "_")
#> [1] "*C:/Users/pingu/Downloads/a-very-poorly-named-file"
str_extract_before_date(file_path, date_sep = "_", num_char = 24)
#> [1] "a-very-poorly-named-file"
str_extract_after(str_extract_before_date(file_path, date_sep = "_"), "Downloads/")
#> [1] "a-very-poorly-named-file"
test_string <- 'I-should-use-version-control-Mar-31-2020-FINAL.csv'
str_extract_after_date(string = test_string, date_sep = "-", format = "mdy-abbr")
#> [1] "FINAL.csv"
Note that the date_sep
argument should be a special character that
separates the date components.