This is a windows-only program and library to read the 6 DOF (six degrees of freedom: x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw) data from a TrackIR camera.
To use, buy a TrackIR device, and run the TrackIR software, and make sure that it's working there. If you want raw data, make sure you set the profile to "one:one" and set the smoothing to 0.
Then run the
program, and see the data printed out at approximately 100hz.
To run, you can use run it within visual studio code, or from a git bash command line like:
winpty python3.exe ./
(It might ask you to install python3 first)
Or log to a file like:
winpty python3.exe ./ > log.csv
To use the library it is as simple as:
import tkinter
import time
from trackir import TrackIRDLL
trackrIr = TrackIRDLL(tkinter.Tk().wm_frame())
while True:
data = trackrIr.NP_GetData()
Please see for more details.