Java EE Security (JSR 375) upstream API and RI
The API in the /api module is the upstream API, which means development takes place there. At set times a version of this will be synced to representing "the truth". From the API will be mirrored back to
Currently Soteria is working towards an EDR1 release.
Soteria can be built by executing the following from the project root:
mvn clean package
The API and combined API/implementation jars can then be found in /api and /impl respectively.
In /test a number of sample applications are located that each demonstrate a specific feature of JSR 375. The folder is called /test since these double as integration tests.
The sample applications are build when the main build as shown above is executed. By default these applications are build for a target server that is not assumed to already provide a JSR 375 implementation (like a Java EE 8 server would). In that case the Soteria jars are included in the application archive.
Alternatively the sample applications can be build for a server that does provide a JSR 375 implementation. In that case the Soteria jars are not included in the application archive. This can be done using the provided
profile as follows:
mvn clean package -Pprovided
There are 4 CI targets provided to test Soteria against:
- payara
- wildfly
- tomee
- liberty
Testing against any of these is done by activating the maven profile with the same name. E.g.
mvn clean install -Ptomee,bundled
Soteria currently fully runs on Payara, JBoss WildFly 10 and TomEE 7.0.2-SNAPSHOT from 12-10 (with Tomcat 8.5.6). It runs mostly on Liberty, TomEE 7.0.1 and GlassFish 4.1.1. "Mostly" means here that some features don't work because of bugs in the servers. For instance on Liberty request.authenticate
isn't supported. These bugs are likely going to be fixed in newer versions.
Soteria does not run at all on WebLogic 12.2.1 due to a problem with server authentication modules working at all.