Results from trampoline competitions held in New Zealand
Support for Bluetooth Beacons for the Universal Windows Platform (Windows 10), including the Eddystone specification.
A Library for easy implementation of Serial Bluetooth Classic and Low Energy on Android. 💙
Companion App for the book
BLE on Android, the easy way. THIS IS NOW DEPRECATED. Please visit website for info on new versions.
Obsolete project. New one and active:
Modular visual interface for GDB in Python
A comparison of operating systems written in Rust
I took Andrew Ng's Machine Learning course on Coursera and did the homework assigments... but, on my own in python because I love jupyter notebooks!
Build terminal dashboards using ascii/ansi art and javascript
Master the command line, in one page
Open Source Continuous File Synchronization
This is the super-project in which each MaidSafe library resides. Some information is common to all libraries, and is detailed here. Library-specific information can be found in each library's wiki.
zertrin /
Forked from orkaa/dt-s3-backupBash wrapper script for automated backups with duplicity supporting Amazon's S3 online storage as well as other storage destinations (ftp, rsync, sftp, local storage...).
Papers from the computer science community to read and discuss.
steve-bate / ChibiOS-RPi
Forked from mabl/ChibiOSChibiOS fork for Raspberry PI experimentation. See wiki for Pi-specific information.
Mirror of the ChibiOS SVN repository (updated every 10 minutes)
Examples programs for STM32F4Discovery. These examples were written while I was exploring STM32F407VGT microcontroller. I think this is may be helpful somebody.
johnhowe / MAX31855_Library
Forked from mcleng/MAX31855_LibraryArduino library for interfacing to MAX31855
johnhowe / RomRaider
Forked from RomRaider/RomRaiderRomRaider is a free, open source tuning suite created for viewing, logging and tuning of modern Subaru Engine Control Units.