Listens to events from Dahua VTO unit and publishes them via MQTT Message
A fancy self-hosted monitoring tool
This is a simple project that manage the Switchbot ( ) that has only the "press" ability in Home Assistant.
Control for Tapo cameras as a Home Assistant component
Model lumi.acpartner.mcn02 Xiaomi air conditioning companion access HomeAssistent.
This is a blend of 2 themes found within the Home Assistant community. Inspired mostly by Noctis, I've adjust colours slightly and have also opted to pull some features from Caule Theme packs to bu…
Magic Switchbot integration component for Home Assistant
A Home Assistant Component to interface with the WYZE Sense hub and sensor system
Home assistant custom component to start Spotify playback on an idle chromecast device as well as control spotify connect devices
This tool/script retrieves tokens for all devices connected to Xiaomi cloud and encryption keys for BLE devices.
Areas with batteries included for Home Assistant
Check your Home Assistant configuration from the frontend, or automatically when the configuration is updated, and optionally restart HASS automatically!
Integration with Blue Iris Video Security Software
local handling for Tuya devices
Alarm system for Blue Iris based on Artificial Intelligence.
Make your Home Assistant browser fullscreen with one tap.
10 modern colors | 4 categories of styles (Black Glass, Black, Dark, Light) | 40 themes in total | Animated icons for the weather forecast card | And a bonus automatic theme selector for your inter…
Custom Component for Homeassistant to show zigbee2mqtt Networkmap
Alarm system for Blue Iris based on Artificial Intellience.
Custom Header adds enhancements and customization options to Home Assistant's Lovelace header.
Xiaomi Smartmi Fan Lovelace card with CSS fan animation
🎨 By JuanMTech -- A Home Assistant theme inspired on the Google app light mode.
🎨 By JuanMTech -- A Home Assistant theme inspired on the Google app dark mode.
Community WebView Plugin - Allows Flutter to communicate with a native WebView.
A Flutter plugin which allows you to execute code in the background on Android and iOS.