Delegation API for the Elrond network
$ yarn install
$ yarn init-plugins
# development
$ yarn start
# watch mode
$ yarn start:dev
# production mode
$ yarn start:prod
- Redis Server is required to be installed docs.
You can use docker-compose up -d
in a terminal to use a local docker container for all these dependencies.
After running the sample, you can stop the Docker container with docker-compose down
It depends on the following external systems:
- gateway:
- provides access to node information, such as network settings, delegation contract configs, staking providers settings, etc
- docs:
- index:
- a database that indexes data that can be queries, such as transactions, blocks, delegators, etc.
- docs:
It uses on the following internal systems:
- redis: used to cache various data, for performance purposes
An API instance can be started with the following behavior:
- public API: provides REST API for the consumers
- private API: used to report prometheus metrics & health checks