The /import
directory contains 3 Jupyter Notebooks:
- Search Internet Archive's Wayback API for available Twitter user page cachesscrape_tweets.ipynb
- Scrape tweets from Internet Archive cached pagesneo4j_import.ipynb
- Import tweets into Neo4j
For convenience a GraphQL API is available for querying the data in Neo4j.
A simple React web app is available for searching tweets (currently by hashtag). The React app uses the GraphQL API.
Interesting Queries
// Tweets for @TEN_GOP
MATCH (u:User)-[:POSTED]->(t:Tweet)-[:HAS_TAG]->(h:Hashtag)
WHERE u.screen_name = "TEN_GOP"
// What hashtags are used by the most users in the dataset
MATCH (u:User)-[:POSTED]->(t:Tweet)-[:HAS_TAG]->(ht:Hashtag)
WITH ht.tag AS hashtag, COLLECT(u.screen_name) AS users
RETURN hashtag, SIZE(users) AS num_users ORDER BY num_users DESC LIMIT 10
│"hashtag" │"num_users"│
│"JugendmitMerkel" │90 │
│"TagderJugend" │89 │
│"politics" │61 │
│"news" │30 │
│"sports" │28 │
│"Merkel" │26 │
│"ColumbianChemicals" │25 │
│"WorldElephantDay" │22 │
│"crime" │21 │
│"UnitedStatesIn3Words"│21 │
// What hashtags are used together most frequently
MATCH (h1:Hashtag)<-[:HAS_TAG]-(t:Tweet)-[:HAS_TAG]->(h2:Hashtag)
WHERE id(h1) < id(h2)
RETURN h1.tag, h2.tag, COUNT(*) AS num ORDER BY num DESC LIMIT 15
│"h1.tag" │"h2.tag" │"num"│
│"JugendmitMerkel"│"TagderJugend" │89 │
│"TagderJugend" │"WorldElephantDay"│22 │
│"JugendmitMerkel"│"WorldElephantDay"│22 │
│"JugendmitMerkel"│"Dschungelkönig" │21 │
│"TagderJugend" │"Dschungelkönig" │21 │
│"Merkel" │"JugendmitMerkel" │17 │
│"Merkel" │"TagderJugend" │17 │
│"CDU" │"JugendmitMerkel" │12 │
│"CDU" │"TagderJugend" │12 │
│"TagderJugend" │"Thailand" │11 │
// Most common domains shared in tweets
MATCH (t:Tweet)-[:HAS_LINK]->(u:Link)
WITH t, replace(replace(u.url, "http://", '' ), "https://", '') AS url
RETURN COUNT(t) AS num, head(split(url, "/")) ORDER BY num DESC LIMIT 10
│"num"│"head(split(url, \"/\"))"│
│835 │"" │
│120 │"" │
│105 │"\n\n" │
│100 │"" │
│32 │"" │
│21 │"" │
│21 │"" │
│20 │"" │
│17 │""│
│15 │"" │