The goal is to create a Unity web app showing weather data from my house for my senior project. To run the app, download the following to the same directory, and then run the .exe file:
- weather-data-build_Data
- UnityPlayer.dll
- weather-view-build.exe
Everything in this project is my own creation except for the standard asset package from Unity and the CSVReader.cs file that I got from
All scripts are stored in /Assets/Scripts
This repoistory explains how I collected the weather data I use in this simulation:
JetBrains Rider 2017.1 173.3994
Unity 2017.3 with support for:
- MonoDevelop / Unity Debugger
- Documentation
- Standard Assets
- Android Build
- Windows Store .NET Scripting Backend
- Vuforia Augmented REality Support
It displays current weather conditions and does some basic calculations based on preceeding weather.
It displays:
- is it raining?
- rain depth
- wind speed
- wind direction
- average wind speed
- average wind direction
- current temperature
- high temp
- low temp
- current time (in simulation)
- current date (in simulation)
V2.0, WNIP: I used the following tutorial to start me off on creating a scatterplot:
- Create graph prefab
- box/mesh outline
- toggle walk around/rotate graph
- scale graph
- drag/reposition graph
- duplicate graph
- make graph selectable
- Work on scatterplot
- change ball radius
- change color/color scheme
- Make graph type level
- show axes
- change axes
- Create new graph
- from ui-imported CSV file