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/+/ :+/ /+: /+/ `/+/ /+/` `++.
-::/++::` /+: -::/++::` `/+: `++: :++` `++/:::::::::.
-:+++::-` `/+: --++/---` `++- .++- -++. `++/:::::::::.
-++. .++- -++` .++. .++. .++- `++.
.++- -++. .++. -++. -++``++- `++.
`++: :++` .++- :++` :+//+: `++:----------`
-/: :/- -/: :/. ://: `/////////////-
An open source interface for the decentralized liquidity protocol Aave. Enabling users to:
- Manage and monitor their positions on the Aave Protocol, and the overall status of it.
- Manage and monitor their positions on the Aave Safety module.
- Participate on the Aave Governance.
Each commit gets deployed to ipfs automatically. There's a github action commenting the appropriate ipfs hash embedded in the cloudflare ipfs gateway after each commit.
For ease of use:
- the DNS of https://staging.aave.com will always point to the latest master ipfs hash with all networks enabled.
- the DNS of htpps://app.aave.com will always point to the latest master ipfs hash with disabled test networks.
For instructions on local deployment and configurations, see Contributing
To all the Ethereum community