meteor-google-spreadsheets Public
Forked from reactioncommerce/meteor-google-spreadsheetsGoogle Spreadsheets for Meteor
meteor-angular-socially Public
Forked from Urigo/meteor-angular-sociallyangular-meteor example and tutorial app
JavaScript UpdatedOct 8, 2015 -
angular-meteor Public
Forked from Urigo/angular-meteorCombining the simplicity and power of AngularJS and Meteor
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 6, 2015 -
heroku-buildpack-nodejs Public
Modified heroku-buildpack-nodejs
active_scaffold Public
Forked from vhochstein/active_scaffoldRails 3 Version of activescaffold supporting prototype and jquery
render_component Public
Forked from vhochstein/render_componentRails 3 Version of render_component
django-jasmine Public
Forked from jakeharding/django-jasminePackage to integrate Jasmine with Django
heroku-jammit Public
Forked from ek/heroku-jammitheroku plugin for use jammit