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"neos/neos": "~4.3.0" or "neos/neos": "~5.3.0"


The package is currently not registered at packagist so you have to install it manually:

Configure composer to use github repository:

    "repositories": [
            "type": "github",
            "url": ""

Then require the package:

composer require "legalwebio/legalweb-neos"

And run the migrations:

./flow doctrine:migrate


    # If there are multiple sites, use the site root node name as the key instead of `default`
      # Set `apiUrl` to the endpoint provided by legal web in their API documentation.
      # For example:
      apiUrl: ''
      # Set `apiKey` to the GUID provided by legal web.
      # For example: d2ed9078-1ddd-426f-88d4-46a7cded8c88
      apiKey: ''
      # Set `callbackUrl` to the URL that legal web should call to trigger a dataset update.
      # Use `{token}` as a placeholder for the configured `callbackToken`.
      # For example:{token}
      callbackUrl: ''
      # Set `callbackToken` to a randomly generated URL-safe string.
      # For example: 50.cp5q8nxZW_0YFGkTt1QfU3R~USkyBqwKasCjZrB-wbENoxbeFuirCJTRGuoC
      callbackToken: ''
      # Set `services` to an array of strings, each item corresponding to a key that is expected in the
      # `services` section of the API response.
      # Make sure to only configure services here which are also enabled in the legal web dashboard for this project.
      # The available services are:
      # * imprint ("Impressum")
      # * contractterms ("AGB")
      # * dpstatement ("Datenschutzerklärung")
      # * dppopup, dppopupconfig, dppopupcss, dppopupjs ("Cookie-Dialog", use all four or none)
      # For example: ['imprint', 'contractterms', 'dpstatement', 'dppopup', 'dppopupconfig', 'dppopupcss', 'dppopupjs']
      services: []
      # The language to use for imprint, data protection popup etc. if no language is passed to the eel helper
      # or if the language passed to the eel helper does not exist in the dataset.
      # For example: de
      fallbackLanguage: ''

Set up a cronjob that executes ./flow legalweb:update.

Open the backend module and click "Daten jetzt aktualisieren". This will download the current dataset from the API.

Ensure that the LegalWeb.GdprTools:Component.DataProtectionPopup fusion component is included in every page at the beginning of the body tag. The component must be included at the top because it loads JS which will automatically block embedded contents like videos. If you include the JS at the bottom of the body tag, it will not be able to block video loading.

Replace the content of your imprint, contract terms and data protection pages with the nodes LegalWeb.GdprTools:Imprint, LegalWeb.GdprTools:ContractTerms and LegalWeb.GdprTools:DataProtectionStatement respectively.

Screenshot of node creation dialog


  • Provides a public endpoint that can be called by to trigger an update.
    • The URL for the endpoint is legalweb-gdprtools-update. A GET parameter token is required and must be set to the configured callbackToken.
  • Provides a backend module to allow users to see when the last update occurred and to manually trigger an update.
    • Messages sent by are also shown in the backend module.
  • Provides a CLI command to trigger an update if the last update happened more than one week ago.
    • The CLI command is ./flow legalweb:update. This will only fetch data from the API if the latest retrieved dataset is older than one week. To fetch a new dataset no matter how old the latest local dataset is, use ./flow legalweb:update --force

API Documentation

Coding Style and Tests

Use PSR-12 and check your changes with composer check before committing. This will run phpcs and phpstan.

To execute the tests, run composer test.


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  • PHP 93.7%
  • HTML 6.3%