This playground repo contains several scripts to solve some problems that I faced around or the ones I found interest, using Firedrake framework, a very powerful FEM toolkit that provides a Python high-level syntax (more specifically, a Domain Specific Language - DSL) and automatic code generation.
- Galerkin Darcy continuity (compressible hydrostatic) equation.
- Mixed finite element (raviart-thomas) for darcy flow with spatially varying permeability ,inspired in mrst lognormal function.
- Mixed finite element (raviart-thomas) for linear stokes-brinkman problem.
- Mixed finite element (Taylor-Hood) for slighlty compressible stokes-brinkman problem.
- Transient linear advection-diffusion-reaction with a simple first-order reaction term. Available with the Crank-Nicolson time stepping and discretization example:
- SUPG + shock capturing stabilization
- DG
- Hybridizable DG (without CN)
- Two phases flow through porous media problem in a full implicit scheme.
- Transient linear advection-diffusion-reaction with a simple first-order reaction term. Available with the Crank-Nicolson time stepping and discretization example: