Step 1. Run Babel transformation command
node_modules/.bin/babel fixtures/input_file.js --out-dir lib
This command takes input js file and transform its js function's form to use lib/offload_lib.js's |remoteExecution|.
input file : fixtures/input_file.js
output file (babel transformed result) : lib/input_file.js
- input: fixtures/input_file.js
var a = 1;
let b = 2;
// test comments 1
// test comments 2
function square(n) {
// test inner 1
return n * n;
// test inner 2
// test comments 3
function test(n) {
return n * n;
// test comments 4
// <<offload>>
function offloaded(a, b, c) {
- output: lib/input_file.js
"use strict";
var a = 1;
let b = 2; // test comments 1
// test comments 2
function square(n) {
// test inner 1
return n * n; // test inner 2
} // test comments 3
function test(n) {
return n * n;
} // test comments 4
// <<offload>>
function _offloaded(a, b, c) {
function offloaded(a, b, c) {
remoteExecution(_offloaded, [a, b, c]);
Step 2. Run src/node_server.js with node
node src/node_server.js
Step 3. Run chromium with the runtime option as below. This is for disable CORS for now for test purpose. "fixtures/offload_test.html" files includes "lib/offload_lib.js" in top of it.
out/Release/chrome --disable-web-security --user-data-dir='/tmp' fixtures/offload_test.html
Step 4. Open inspector console and see the console.log to check the behavior.
- src/offload_babel_plugin.js
This babel plugin identifies // <<offload>> comment located right above a function,
then generate a function which has '_' prefixed name, e.g. "_test"
if the function name is "test".
The "_test" function has its original function's body content,
and "test" function's body is replaced with |remoteExecution| CallExpression,
which is defined in lib/offload_lib.js library.
- lib/offload_lib.js
It has |remoteExecution| function definition,
which is in charge of passing the js call to server via network,
and receiving the remote execution's result.