Flutter project to add Native onLoadResource to flutter_inappwebview
We’re using flutter_inappwebview as a base library for the browser and will do the modification inside this lib. To use the modified library, move the library folder to the root folder, adjacent with pubspec.yaml. Then add:
path: ./flutter_inappwebview-5.3.2
The library has an onLoadResource() function, but it is not from native web client. This function will be executed if it’s controller calls "onCallJsHandler" with "onLoadResource" passed as an argument. In this manner, it won't be able to load every url as many as native web client should be. That's why we need to add the non existing native onLoadResource() to the library web client.
So our primary task is to add Native WebClient onLoadResource() instead of using flutter_inappwebview's onLoadResource()
So navigate to:
> flutter_inappwebview
> com
> android
> src
> main
> java
> com
> pichillilorenzo
> flutter_inappwebview
> in_app_webview
> InAppWebViewClient.java
You will now find
public class InAppWebViewClient extends WebViewClient {
Then add this below override method inside the class
public void onLoadResource(WebView view, String url) {
super.onLoadResource(view, url);
channel.invokeMethod("onLoadNativeResource", url);
Now you have native onLoadResource() that is ready to channel to flutter app using onLoadNativeResource()
To append this as function ready to be called from Flutter, the logic is simple. Just append the function to every location where library's onLoadResource() is located.
is located in
> flutter_inappwebview
> lib
> src
> in_app_webview
> in_app_webview.dart
> headless_in_app_webview.dart.
- Append this function
final void Function(InAppWebViewController controller, String url)?
- Add this into constructor's arguments
is located adjacent to in_app_webview.dart
Append below function inside handleMethod(MethodCall call)
under switch (call.method)
case "onLoadNativeResource":
String url = call.arguments; //retrieve url thrown from native invokeMethod
if (_webview != null && _webview!.onLoadStart != null)
_webview!.onLoadNativeResource!(this, url);
is located adjacent to previous files.
- Append this function
final void Function(InAppWebViewController controller, String url)?
- Add this into constructor's arguments
Now your InAppWebView is able to catch all url from native web client!
(InAppWebViewController webViewController, String url) async {
// Do url filtering here