YapYap is a simple status.net/identi.ca client that is made for command line use.
It is a very basic app that requires Net::Twitter, Term::ReadKey and Text::Wrap. It's output looks like the following:
<evan> Lucky you! Now you don't
have to go to a webinar.
Tue Jul 10 15:17:26 +0000 2012
<arglbr> Yes, is my only client for
video, why not use it for music
too? Thanks @jordonr!
Thu Aug 09 19:59:51 +0000 2012
<arglbr> @pztrn, LoL, I've sawn
some tutorials about creating
exactly this. I'm using VLC,
@jordonr reminded me it is a music
player too :-P...
Fri Aug 10 11:25:48 +0000 2012
Here is the help screen:
Command Mode is :
Search Mode is /
Quit or Exit- :quit, :exit, :q
Home Timeline- :home, :h
Friends Timeline- :friends, :f
Replies- :replies, :r
Direct messages- :inbox, :dm
Help (this screen)- :help