Fill your factorial shifts with ease
# Setup env
export FACTORIAL_USER_EMAIL=your-email
export FACTORIAL_USER_PASSWORD=your-password
# Execute
npx factorial-cli fill-shifts --project ProjectName
Fills the shifts until today. If it's on the first days of the month, it will fill the previous month instead.
factorial fill-shifts
factorial fill-shifts [OPTIONS]
-y, --year <YEAR>
Sets the year to fill the shifts. Defaults to current year.
-m, --month <MONTH>
Sets the month to fill the shifts. Defaults to current month.
-e, --email <EMAIL>
The email of your factorial account. Also configurable via FACTORIAL_USER_EMAIL env variable.
-p, --password <PASSWORD>
The password of your factorial account. Also configurable via FACTORIAL_USER_PASSWORD env variable.
-r, --randomness <RANDOMNESS>
The amount of minutes to add or substract to the default entry and exit times.
-o, --project <PROJECT>
The project you want to set to fill shifts.
--entryTime <ENTRY_TIME>
The default entry time you want to set to fill shifts. Default is 8am.
--exitTime <EXIT_TIME>
The default exit time you want to set to fill shifts. Default is 8 hours after entry time.