Releases: jorijn/laravel-security-checker
Releases · jorijn/laravel-security-checker
v2.5.0: Laravel 11 / PHP 8.3 support
v2.4.0: Laravel 10 support
- add support for Laravel 10, PHP 8.2
v2.3.0: Laravel 9 support
- add support for Laravel 9, PHP 8.1
- dropped support for PHP 7.3, minimum version is now 7.4
v2.2.1: fixed permission failure when using this package with multiple users on the same server
- a permission failure when using this package with multiple users on the same server by adding
to available config options (thanks @thomasderoo4!)
v2.2.0: sensiolabs/security-checker is abandoned, replaced with successor enlightn/security-checker
A big thank you to @paras-malhotra and Enlightn for helping out this release.
- switched out travis with github actions, tests will now run in a matrix from Laravel 6 to 8 in combination with PHP 7.3 to 8
is abandoned, replaced with successorenlightn/security-checker
- allowed PHP 8 in the version constraints
- removed support for Laravel < 6.0, supported versions are now: 6.x to 8.x
- added Spanish language files (thanks @gfmr806)
v2.1.0: Support for Laravel 8
- dropped support for PHP 7.1, minimum version is now PHP 7.2
- upgraded
to a new major version (^v7.0.0) - added support for Laravel 8 (thanks @romanstingler, @nessimabadi!)
v1.1.0: support for Laravel 5.8
- added support for Laravel 5.8 (thanks @DevDavido!)
- added logging for email and slack commands
- @DevDavido notified me about the SensioLabs Security Checker upgrade, I implemented their changes
- bumped the package to a stable tag, I think it has matured enough now. :-)