Epidemic simulation module to fit and forecast epidemics dynamics.
The three main parts of the module are:
- Data sources: Data sources to fit the models. Currently John Hopkins data available
- Fit classes: Classes where the minimization is defined
- Models: Any model to fit and used to forecast
To extend the module override the correspondant base classes for:
- Data sources
- Fit classes
- Models
See below a sample code and the outputs
from data_sources.jh import JH
from models.SEIDR import SEIDR
from fit.basic import Basic
from plot.plot_model import plot_model_results, plot_model_prediction, plot_model_prediction_all
import numpy as np
# Initialize John Hopkins data
jh_data = JH.JH()
# Uncoment below line to download last John Hopkins data
# Set the area to be used to fit the model
area = {
'Country_Region': 'US'
# Set the initial date and area
start_date = '1/22/20'
# Get the infected and death number from first day
infected_0 = jh_data.get_infected()[start_date].iloc[0]
deaths_0 = jh_data.get_deaths().iloc[0][start_date]
# Get the length of the data
t = len(jh_data.get_infected().columns)
# Get the population
population = jh_data.get_population()
# Initialize the model
SEIDR_model.init_model(t=t, S=population, I_0=infected_0, D=deaths_0)
# Initialize the basic fit class with the data and the model
basic_fit = Basic.Basic(jh_data, SEIDR_model)
# Set the initial params to start minimization and execute it
mu = 0.0
beta = 1 / 1.5
nu = 0.0
sigma = 1 / 3
omega_icu = (1 / 7) * 0.12
omega_in = (1 / 3) * 0.63
omega_out = (1 / 2) * 0.25
gamma_icu = (1 / 7) * (1 - 0.5)
gamma_in = 1 / 11
gamma_out = 1 / 12
lambda_icu = (1 / 7) * 0.5
params = [mu, beta, nu, sigma, omega_icu, omega_in, omega_out, gamma_icu, gamma_in, gamma_out, lambda_icu]
# Set the bounds
bounds = ((0.1, 0.5), (0, np.inf), (0, np.inf), (0, np.inf), (0, np.inf), (0, np.inf), (0.1, np.inf), (0.1, np.inf),
(0, np.inf), (0, np.inf), (0, np.inf))
# Fit the model with the init params, bounds
basic_fit.fit_model(params, True, 'MSLE', 21, bounds)
sol_params = basic_fit.get_solution_parms()
plot_model_results(SEIDR_model.get_infected(), jh_data.get_infected(), SEIDR_model.get_deaths(), jh_data.get_deaths())
SEIDR_model.init_model(t=200, S=population, I_0=infected_0, D=deaths_0)
plot_model_prediction(SEIDR_model.get_infected(), SEIDR_model.get_deaths())