aiscot receives AIS Sentences from an AIS Receiver, such as ais-decoder, converts them to Cursor-on-Target, and transmits the CoT to a UDP destination.
For use with CoT systems such as ATAK, WinTAK, RaptorX, Falconview, etc. See for more information on the TAK program.
Utilized for an open ocean boat race in the Northern Pacific Ocean, as described in this article:
The command-line daemon aiscot can be install from this source tree (A), or from the Python Package Index (PyPI) (B).
To install from this source tree:
$ git checkout $ cd aiscot/ $ python install
To install from PyPI:
$ pip install aiscot
The aiscot daemon has several runtime arguments:
$ aiscot --help usage: aiscot [-h] [-P AIS_PORT] -C COT_HOST optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -P AIS_PORT, --ais_port AIS_PORT AIS UDP Port -C COT_HOST, --cot_host COT_HOST Cursor-on-Target Host or Host:Port
For minimum operation, -P AIS_PORT & -C COT_HOST are required.
The following example listens for AIS Sentences on UDP, and forwards CoT messages to UDP
$ aiscot -P 5050 -C
The aiscot daemon will output CoT XML Events similar to this example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?> <event version="2.0" type="a-f-G-E-V-C" uid="AIS.993692014" time="2020-09-25T14:15:01.639741Z" start="2020-09-25T14:15:01.639741Z" stale="2020-09-25T15:15:01.639741Z" how="h-e"> <point lat="37.815" lon="-122.78695" hae="10" ce="10" le="10" /> <detail> <uid Droid="6N @" /> </detail> </event>
Greg Albrecht W2GMD [email protected]
Copyright 2020 Orion Labs, Inc.
Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for details.
The publicly available ATAK source was a good reference for some of the parsing errors the ATAK-Civ Development Build was giving me, namely Invalid CoT message received: Missing or invalid CoT event and/or point attributes. Many errors are unfortunately caught in a single try/catch block: