This is a vanilla Javascript port of the Text-To-Speech (TTS) software SAM (Software Automatic Mouth) for the Commodore C64 published in the year 1982 by Don't Ask Software (now SoftVoice, Inc.).
It is based on the adaption to C by Stefan Macke and the refactorings by Vidar Hokstad and 8BitPimp or like the ui v1 idk that-one done
It includes a Text-To-Phoneme converter called reciter and a Phoneme-To-Speech routine for the final output.
It aims for low memory impact and file size which is the reason I want to avoid the Emscripten conversion by Stefan (which weights about 414kb).
For further details, refer to
Some analytics of S.A.M. in general can be found in Artyom Skrobov's (@tyomitch) blog who also provided pretty insightful PRs. Visit his blog (russian) or the google translated version here.
Require the module via yarn: yarn add sam-js
Use it in your program:
import SamJs from 'sam-js';
let sam = new SamJs();
// Play "Hello world" over the speaker.
// This returns a Promise resolving after playback has finished.
sam.speak('Hello world');
// Generate a wave file containing "Hello world" and download it.'Hello world');
// Render the passed text as 8bit wave buffer array (Uint8Array).
const buf8 = sam.buf8('Hello world');
// Render the passed text as 32bit wave buffer array (Float32Array).
const buf32 = sam.buf32('Hello world');
Elf 72 64 110 160
Little Robot 92 60 190 190
Stuffy Guy 82 72 110 105
Little Old Lady 82 32 145 145
Extra-Terrestrial 100 64 150 200
SAM 72 64 128 128
I have bundled a copy of the original manual in this repository, see the manual file in the docs directory.
The software is a reverse-engineered version of a commercial software published more than 30 years ago. The current copyright holder is SoftVoice, Inc. (
Any attempt to contact the company failed. The website was last updated in the year 2009. The status of the original software can therefore best described as Abandonware (
As long this is the case I cannot put my code under any specific open source software license Use it at your own risk.
If you have questions don' t hesitate to ask me. If you discovered some new knowledge about the code please file an issue.