Database and R interface to load and query assembled VDJ sequences from CellRanger. Currently supports loading data from CellRanger multi output for T cell receptors, expecting the output to be in a directory named as "multi/__s__/outs/per_sample_outs/__s__/vdj_t/", where __s__ represents a sample name. Other directory structures may be specified, and would work as long as the correct files are to be found there. The expected CellRanger output files are:
- airr_rearrangement.tsv
- cell_barcodes.json
- clonotypes.csv
- consensus_annotations.csv
- filtered_contig_annotations.csv
An ER diagram describing the created database structure can be found here: ER diagram
It is a requirement that PostgreSQL is already setup and running.
First, specify database connection information and a desired database name:
dbname = "vdj_t"
port = 5432
user = "postgres"
password <- .rs.askForPassword("Database Password:")
Then, create an empty database and set up all tables to store the data:
create_database(user = user,
dbname = dbname,
password = password,
psql_path = psql_path)
create_tables(user = user,
dbname = dbname,
password = password,
psql_path = psql_path)
Test connecting to the database from R:
test_connection(dbname, port, user, password)
Load data into the database (here, "sname" represents a sample name):
sname = sname,
resultsdir = "/path/to/10x/results/",
cellranger_dir_structure = paste0("multi/", "__s__",
"/outs/per_sample_outs/", "__s__",
outdir = "loading_commands",
dbname = dbname,
user = user,
password = password,
psql_path = "/Library/PostgreSQL/15/bin/psql")
Connect and run a query:
con <- connect(dbname, port, user, password)
res <- query(con, "SELECT DISTINCT clone_id, sample_id FROM airr_rearrangement")
> head(res)
clone_id sample_id
1 clonotype1957 A2
2 clonotype960 7A
3 clonotype815 A2
4 clonotype368 E5
5 clonotype2586 A2
6 clonotype742 6B