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SniperSim Simulator for Toleo

This is a sniper sim and DRAMSim based simulator for Toleo (ASPLOS '24) Please refer to our paper "Toleo: Scaling Freshness to Tera-scale Memory Using CXL and PIM" for details.

Getting Started

Running evaluation for Toleo requires:

  1. Install DRAMSim3 from this fork.
  2. Install simulator sniper-toleo. (this repo)
  3. setup benchmarks with PIN hooks. Forks with PIN hooks can be found in this list
  4. Download simulation script for automated simulation on given benchmarks.

File Structure

├── DRAMsim3
├── sniper-toleo
│   ├── DRAMsim3 -> ../DRAMsim3 (link)
│   ├── run-sniper
│   └── (this file)
├── genomicsbench
│   ├── input-datasets
│   │    ├── bsw
│   │    ├── chain
│   │    ...
│   └── benchmarks
│      ├── fmi
│      │  └── sim-<date-time>/<region>/sim.out
│      ├── bsw-s
│      ...
├── gabps
│   └── run
│      ├── pr-kron-s
│      │  └── sim-<date-time>/<region>/sim.out
│      ├── sssp
│      ....
├── redis
├── memtier_benchmark
├── memcached
├── hyrise
└── llama2.c

Make TOLEO_ROOT directory

mkdir toleo_root
cd toleo_root

Install DRAMsim3

git clone
cd DRAMsim3

Please follow the README from this fork to build DRAMsim3. THERMAL is not required for toleo simulation. Run DRAMsim3 test to make sure it is successfully installed:

 ./build/dramsim3main configs/DDR4_8Gb_x8_3200.ini -c 100000 -t tests/example.trace
cat dramsim3.json

Install sniper-toleo


  • A DRAMsim3 installation from this fork, and link to sniper-toleo repo.
## in folder toleo_root. 
git clone [email protected]:joydddd/sniper-toleo.git # clone sniper-toleo (this repo)cd sniper-toleo
ln -s ../DRAMsim3 DRAMsim3

(optional) Setup docker environment

cd sniper-toleo/docker
make   # build docker image
make run # run docker as user
# make run-root # runs docker as root.
cd .. 

Now you're in the docker container. Continue to build sniper-toloe following the steps below. You could skip the dependent package installation.

Install SniperSim

Please follow the naive install instructions on Sniper Sim Getting Started Page to install sniper-toleo. Necessary steps are provided below

  1. Install dependent packages.
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt-get install binutils build-essential curl git libboost-dev libbz2-dev libc6:i386 libncurses5:i386 libsqlite3-dev libstdc++6:i386 python wget zlib1g-dev


Know issue: snipersim assum python2 as the default python version. Make sure your python command points to python2.7.

  1. build simulator with PIN
make USE_PIN=1 -j N #where N is the number of cores in your machine to use parallel make

Test Run

cd test/fft

This command runs sniper-toleo simulation for three setups: Toleo, C+I, and no-protections. Simulation results can be found in folders test/fft/no_protection_output test/fft/ci_output test/fft/toleo_output respectively.

Run Your Own Benchmark

Now you've successfully setup sniper-toleo and is ready to simluate toleo for any benchmark of your choice! run the simulation with

./run-sniper -n 32 -c <arch> -d <output-dir>  -- <run benchmakr cmd>
# <arch> = zen4_cxl: baseline no protection, 
#          zen4_vn:  toleo
#          zen4_no_freshness: CI
#          zen4_cxl_invisimem: InvisiMem (Please use invisimem branch of sniper-toleo for this architecture!) 
#          zen4_no_dramsim: light weighted Toleo without DRAMSim3. Used for Toleo page type analysis. 

More controls over the simulation are available via ./run-sniper --help.


Our simulator is configured for 32 cores. Please setup your benchmark to run with 32 threads for best experience. Benchmarks with >32 threads might run into deadlock problems.

Citing Toleo

If you use Toleo in your research, please cite:

@misc{dong2024toleoscalingfreshnessterascale, title={Toleo: Scaling Freshness to Tera-scale Memory using CXL and PIM}, author={Juechu Dong and Jonah Rosenblum and Satish Narayanasamy}, year={2024}, eprint={2410.12749}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.AR}, url={}, }

Additional Information

Benchmarks Used in Evalutions

We provided PIN hooks inserted benchmarks used in our evaluations in this list. Please refer to benchmark setup instruction.

Evaluation Workflow

We provided a batch run script to run our evaluation workflows. Please refer to Evalution Workflow Instructions.


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