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The AudUnity project is used to make audio playing and sound management in Unity easier and efficient.


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The AudUnity project is used to make audio playing and sound management in Unity easier than ever. To use it, basically add an Audio Player component, drag an Audio Library into it and play the sounds by calling the play method on the Audio Player.


Click here to download, or go to the packages folder of the repository and download the package file.
Then import the package directly to your project like any other Unity package. This is he fastest and easiest way.


Audio Players

The two main Unity MonoBehaviour components that play the audio.

A Local Audio Player component will be used on objects like enemies in your game, or just sound you want to play on a specific location in your game worldsounds.

A Global Audio Player component will be used for stuff like, UI sounds, and sounds you just want to play globally in your scene. Only a single Global Audio Player component can exist in a scene, and it is recomended to put it on the camera along with the Audio Listener.

For using in the code a Local Audio Player you need a reference of the Audio Player, but for the Global Audio Player you you don't need a reference and can call the methods and the properties instantly through the static members of the Global Audio Player class.

  • Variables

    • Linked Audio Libraries
      The Audio Libraries the Audio Player Initializes on Awake
  • Properties

    • SoundCount
      A property that returns the amount of initialized sounds in the audio player
  • Methods

    • Play (string)
      Plays a sound from the audio player by its name.

    • PlayDelayed (string, float)
      Like "Play", but it will play the sound with a delay specified in seconds

    • Stop (string)
      Stops a sound from the audio player by its name.

    • Pause (string)
      Pauses a sound from the audio player by its name.

    • UnPause (string)
      Un pauses a sound from the audio player by its name.

    • SetVolume (string, float)
      Sets a sound's volume from the audio player by its name.

    • SetMute (string, bool)
      Mutes or unmutes a sound from the audio player by its name.

    • SetLoop (string, bool)
      Plays a sound from the audio player by its name.

    • IsPlaying (string)
      Returns true if the sound is currently playing and false if it's not

    • SoundExist (string)
      Check if a sound exists in the audio player

    • GetSoundAudioSource (string)
      Returns the Audio Source component for the sound.
      If you don't want to play it through the audio player.

    • AddSounds (AudioLibrary[])
      AddSounds (AudioLibrary)
      AddSounds (Sound[])
      A method for adding many sounds (initializing them) manually when the game/application runs.

    • AddSound (Sound)
      AddSound (SoundData)
      A method for adding (initializing) a single sound manually when the game/application runs.

    • RemoveSound (string)
      A method for removing a sound from the audio player while the game/application is running.

    • TryRemoveSound (string)
      Same as "RemoveSound" but it'll check if the sound exists in the player and only if it does, it'll call the remove method.

Global Audio Player

Works exactly like a Local Audio Player, but if you want to call its methods or properties, you can do it without a reference, because only a single Global Audio Player can exist in a scene.
It contains every method a Local Audio Player has, but in the Global Audio Player they are static.

  • Properties
    • Player
      Returns the currently active Global Audio Player.
      Only a single Global Audio Player can exist in a scene.


Local Audio Player Example Code
Playing a shooting sound when the method Shoot() is called

// the name you gave to the sound inside the scriptable object
string soundName_shoot = "shoot";
LocalAudioPlayer audioPlayer;

private void Awake() 
    // gets the Local Audio Player component from the game object
    audioPlayer = GetComponent<LocalAudioPlayer>();

private void Update() 
    // if the player clicks the mouse button, shoot
    if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Mouse0))

void Shoot()
    // some shooting behaviour
    audioPlayer.Play(soundName_shoot); // play shoot sound

Global Audio Player Example Code
Playing a shooting sound when the method Shoot() is called

// the name you gave to the sound inside the scriptable object
string soundName_shoot = "shoot";

private void Update() 
    // if the player clicks the mouse button, shoot
    if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Mouse0))

void Shoot()
    // some shooting behaviour
    // no need to get the audio player instance
    GlobalAudioPlayer.Play(soundName_shoot); // play shoot sound

Global Audio Player Link

A component for calling the Global Audio Player through the Unity Editor.
Used for things like buttons, when you want to reference a method in a script.
The Link component has these methods:
(when they're called, they're being called on the current Global Audio Player)

  • Play (string)
  • PlayDelayed (string, float)
  • Stop (string)
  • Pause (string)
  • UnPause (string)
  • SetVolume (string, float)
  • SetMute (string, bool)
  • SetLoop (string, bool)


I'm playing the click sound using the Global Audio Player Link component:


Audio Library

Used for storing many sounds.
A scriptable object that contains sounds and can also reference other audio libraries.
So if you initialize an AudioLibrary, it will initialize every sound it contains, and then, it will also initialize all the libraries referenced in that audio library too.
A library can be initialized if it is referenced inside an Audio Player.
To reference a library in a player, add it to the array of libraries Linked Audio Libraries inside an AudioPlayer.

  • Variables
    • Sounds
      An array of Sound objects.
      The sounds contained in the audio library.

    • Audio Libraries
      An array of Audio Library objects.
      An Audio Library can reference other Audio libraries.
      So you can create many small libraries and link them together inside a mega library that references them.


Used for storing a data about a sound.
When a sound is initialized, it takes all the data from the Sound object, and initializes the sound with that data.

Only change variables that you know what they're doing.
To play the sound, put it inside a library, and initialize the library inside an AudioPlayer and call the Play method.

When editing a sound in the editor, you can play to see how it will sound in the game. When the sound is currently playing, if you make changes, it will replay the sound so you can hear the difference.

  • Variables
    • soundName
      The name of the sound.
      It will be used to call it from the audio player.
      You can also press the button Name by Scriptable Object name to quickly name the sound by its scriptable object name, or the Name by Audio Clip name button, to quickly name the sound by the name of its audio clip.

    • clip
      The sound's audio clip.
      The actual audio the sound will play.

    • mixer
      If you want the sound to be played through a specific mixer

    • priority
      Sets the priority of the sound's AudioSource when it is initialized.

    • volume
      The volume of the sound's audio source (0.0 to 1.0).

    • pitch
      The pitch of the sound's audio source.

    • stereoPan
      Pans the sound in a stereo way (left or right).
      This only applies to sounds that are Mono or Stereo.

    • spatialBlend
      Sets how much the sound's AudioSource is affected by 3D spatialisation calculations (attenuation, doppler etc).
      0.0 makes the sound full 2D, 1.0 makes it full 3D.

    • reverbZoneMix
      The amount by which the signal from the sound's AudioSource will be mixed into the global reverb associated with the Reverb Zones.

    • mute
      Whether the sound sould be muted upon initialization.
      Mute sets the volume=0, Un-Mute restore the original volume.

    • bypassEffects
      Bypass effects (Applied from filter components or global listener filters).

    • bypassListenerEffects
      When set to true, global effects on the AudioListener will not be applied to the audio signal generated by the sound's AudioSource.
      Does not apply if the sound's AudioSource is playing into a mixer group.

    • bypassReverbZones
      When set to true, doesn't route the signal from sound into the global reverb associated with reverb zones.

    • playOnAwake
      If set to true, the audio source will automatically start playing on awake.

    • loop
      Determines if the sound should loop when it is played