rust-imgui-sdl2 Public
Forked from michaelfairley/rust-imgui-sdl2SDL2 Input handling for imgui-rs
Rust Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 3, 2021 -
fzf Public
Forked from junegunn/fzf🌸 A command-line fuzzy finder
Go MIT License UpdatedOct 11, 2018 -
rldisplay Public
A window management/rendering API for roguelikes or similar applications.
SFML_GlyphTileMap Public
SFML-based drawable/transformable class useful for roguelikes or similar applications
magma Public
Forked from lavabit/magmaThe magma server daemon, classic edition, which supports server side encryption, SMTP, POP, IMAP and HTTP (with a JSON-RPC interface for the included webmail client).
ElixirClassFinal Public
A MUD made with the Phoenix Framework as my final project for Advanced Applications Programming class
Elixir UpdatedFeb 12, 2017 -
TestReactNativeApp Public
Trying out the react-native library by building an app.
JavaScript UpdatedJan 11, 2017 -
BoxFitSimpleTrainingApp Public
A simple app to send training data to the server for the BoxFit app
Swift UpdatedDec 14, 2016 -
CSE7339ProjectDatabase Public
Database portion of the CSE7339 Final Project
Python UpdatedDec 9, 2016 -
assignment4-otp-hangman Public
Forked from ianstenbit/assignment4-otp-hangmanInitial non-OTP version of hangman
Elixir UpdatedOct 30, 2016 -
rust Public
Forked from rust-lang/rustA safe, concurrent, practical language.
Rust Other UpdatedSep 19, 2016 -
assignment2 Public
Forked from cse5345-fall-2016/assignment2Second assignment: basic Elixir
Elixir UpdatedSep 12, 2016 -
assignment-1 Public
Forked from cse5345-fall-2016/assignment-1Work through submitting a pull request
Groff UpdatedAug 22, 2016