Sapienza University of Rome
- Rome
- in/jithin-kumar-8204a9185
- @jithin_palepu
- https://jpalepu.vercel.app
Example codes of new book ROS Robotics Projects
A simulation of Teppo Luukkonen's paper "Modelling and control of quadcopter" in MATLAB/Simulink.
3D Simulation of a quadcopter system in MATLAB. Controllable with keyboard input (note: no flight controller implemented)
This repository is unofficially based on the Robotics Specialization offered by Penn State University
Projects of Nonlinear Systems and Control Exam (A.Y. 2022/2023) from Prof. Ticozzi
Feedback linearization for quadrotors
Code in this repository is discussed in this BPS.Space YouTube video on modeling a thrust vector controlled rocket in Simulink. Thrust Vectoring or Thrust Vector control is the ability of an aircra…
Arduino ESP library for SHT1x Temp & Humidity Sensors for ESP32
Physics Informed Machine Learning Tutorials (Pytorch and Jax)
A naive quadcopter simulator equipped with the mathematical model of the drone and its dynamics in the environment. Control methods are employed to fly the drone with the desired goals given the in…
This Repository contains projects from Robotics specialization- Aerial Robotics from Coursera offered by the University of Pennsylvania- Instructor: Prof. Vijay Kumar
Quadrotor simulator based on Coursera Aerial Robotics course from University of Pennsylvania
MATLAB implementation of UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) control simulation, with RRT (rapidly exploring random tree) for path planning, B-Spline for trajectory generation and LP (linear programming)…
Interactive courseware module that addresses the fundamentals of mass-spring-damper systems taught in mechanical engineering courses.
Learning Lyapunov functions and control policies of nonlinear dynamical systems
Python implementation of a bunch of multi-robot path-planning algorithms.
Wildfire risk assessment using remote sensing data - Prediction of Wildfires
Awesome list for Neural Network Optimization methods.
Deep Neural Network architecture as a predictive optimal controller for {HVAC+Solar cell + battery} disturbance afflicted system vs classic Model Predictive Control
The food ordering & delivery application designed based on the real-life scenario. Anyone can use this code on their own purpose. If you are interested please make your contribution to the code.
Python code to use ChatGPT API using OpenAI Library and Completions Endpoint
TensorFlow2 implementation of SRResNet and SRGAN
A simple and complete implementation of super-resolution paper.
Lectures for INFO8010 Deep Learning, ULiège