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Although runtime dependency resolution is generally looked at as an anti-pattern, there are cases where it can be a necessary evil. gremlin is a Gradle plugin and Java library for resolving Gradle Configurations at runtime.


Gradle configuration

First, apply the gremlin-gradle plugin to your project.

plugins {
  id("xyz.jpenilla.gremlin-gradle") version "VERSION"

Applying the plugin will set up the following:

  • gremlin: The gremlin extension allows configuring plugin-wide options
    • defaultGremlinRuntimeDependency: Whether gremlin-runtime (with the same version as the Gradle plugin) should be added to the implementation Configuration
    • defaultJarRelocatorDependencies: Whether the default jar relocator dependencies should be added to the jarRelocatorRuntime Configuration
  • runtimeDownload: The Configuration that is exported by the default writeDependencies task
  • jarRelocatorRuntime: The Configuration containing the jar-relocator runtime, used when there are relocations
  • writeDependencies: The default WriteDependencyTask registered to export the runtimeDownload configuration. The output (dependencies.txt) is added as a resource to the main source set.

Relocation and extensions

gremlin supports extending the runtime and Gradle plugin with custom JarProcessors, and includes the RelocationProcessor. Relocations set using gremlin will also need to be applied to the project output. The ShadowGremlin utility is provided to simplify adding the same relocations to gremlin and shadowJar.

fun reloc(fromPkg: String, toPkg: String) {
    listOf(tasks.shadowJar, tasks.writeDependencies).forEach { task ->
        task.configure {
            ShadowGremlin.relocate(this, fromPkg, toPkg)

reloc("some.package", "relocated.some.package")

Adding runtime-downloaded dependencies

To add a runtime-downloaded dependency, simply add it to the runtimeDownload configuration in the same way you would for implementation or compileOnly. Snapshot dependencies will be pinned to the currently resolved version in the output, and exclusions or other resolution rules will also apply. This is because gremlin-gradle stores a flattened and resolved view of the dependencies, rather than forcing the runtime to deal with transitive dependencies and other complicated logic.

A common configuration is to also add runtimeDownload dependencies to compileOnly and testImplementation:

configurations.compileOnly {
configurations.testImplementation {

Advanced configurations

It is possible to register more dependency sets than the default one by manually configuring new WriteDependencySet tasks.

Runtime setup

The runtime is available at xyz.jpenilla:gremlin-runtime on Maven Central. You only need to manually add a dependency on it when you have disabled the automatic runtime dependency mentioned above.

The entrypoint to the runtime component is the DependencyResolver. The following is an example that resolves the default dependencies.txt set:

final DependencySet deps = DependencySet.readDefault(this.getClass().getClassLoader());
final DependencyCache cache = new DependencyCache(/* cache directory */);
try (final DependencyResolver downloader = new DependencyResolver(/* slf4j logger */)) {
    final Set<Path> jars = downloader.resolve(deps, cache).jarFiles();
    // ...

gremlin-runtime also provides utilities for appending to the classpath in common environments:

  • PaperClasspathAppender: utility to append jars to a Paper plugin's classpath using the Paper PluginLoader API
  • DefaultsPaperPluginLoader: prebuilt Paper PluginLoader that resolves the default dependencies.txt set and appends it to the plugin classpath using PaperClasspathAppender.
  • FabricClasspathAppender: utility to append jars to the Fabric classpath
  • VelocityClasspathAppender: utility to append jars to a Velocity plugin's classpath