django-autocomplete-light's purpose is to enable autocompletes quickly and properly in a django project: it is the fruit of years of R&D. It was designed for Django so that every part overridable or reusable independently. It is stable, tested, documented and fully supported: it tries to be a good neighbour in Django ecosystem.
Features include:
- charfield, foreign key, many to many autocomplete widgets,
- generic foreign key, generic many to many autocomplete widgets,
- remote API backed-autocompletes,
- django template engine support for autocompletes, enabling you to include images etc ...
- 100% overridable HTML, CSS, Python and Javascript: there is no variable hidden far down in the scope anywhere.
- add-another popup supported outside the admin too.
- keyboard is supported with enter, tab and arrows by default.
Each feature has a live example and is fully documented. It is also designed and documented so that you create your own awesome features too.
Resources include:
- **Documentation** graciously hosted by RTFD
- Live demo graciously hosted by PythonAnywhere,
- Video demo graciously hosted by Youtube,
- Mailing list graciously hosted by Google
- Git graciously hosted by GitHub,
- Package graciously hosted by PyPi,
- Continuous integration graciously hosted by Travis-ci
This package is released under the MIT License which is similar to the BSD license, you can find a copy in the LICENSE file.
However, I would like to ask that you vote for it on The rationnale of my request is simple: the more users, the more contributions and the better this app will be.
Donations are welcome too.