16 people, leading to 8712 files changed, 160209 insertions(+), 2178748
The source code and selected binaries are available for download at:
The primary release artifact of KubeVirt is the git tree. The release tag is
signed and can be verified using [git-evtag][git-evtag].
Pre-built containers are published on Docker Hub and can be viewed at:
Notable changes
- Build: Use of go modules
- CI: Support for Kubernetes 1.13
- Countless testcase fixes and additions
- Several smaller bug fixes
- Improved upgrade documentation
16 people contributed to this release:
44 Stu Gott <[email protected]>
32 Arik Hadas <[email protected]>
20 David Vossel <[email protected]>
17 Artyom Lukianov <[email protected]>
15 Roman Mohr <[email protected]>
11 Marc Sluiter <[email protected]>
6 Sebastian Scheinkman <[email protected]>
5 Marcin Franczyk <[email protected]>
4 Fabian Deutsch <[email protected]>
3 Denis Ollier <[email protected]>
3 Petr Kotas <[email protected]>
3 Vladik Romanovsky <[email protected]>
1 Daniel Hiller <[email protected]>
1 Ihar Hrachyshka <[email protected]>
1 Ihar Hrachyshka <[email protected]>
1 Keith Schincke <[email protected]>
Test Results
> Ran 311 of 359 Specs in 9209.761 seconds
Additional Resources
- Mailing list: <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/kubevirt-dev>
- Slack: <https://kubernetes.slack.com/messages/virtualization>
- An easy to use demo: <https://github.com/kubevirt/demo>
- [How to contribute][contributing]
- [License][license]
[git-evtag]: https://github.com/cgwalters/git-evtag#using-git-evtag
[contributing]: https://github.com/kubevirt/kubevirt/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md
[license]: https://github.com/kubevirt/kubevirt/blob/master/LICENSE
Git-EVTag-v0-SHA512: 641ad8570fd446ed860299e3ce75d1327f98dc8db253878deec3fcde7b565ebb23580c776c0f5bd79e8477f8170e755840afdf7cf2ff92f16631d474c50cbdc3