A versatile role to setup rclone, created using this philosophy: https://github.com/jriguera/ansible-role-pattern/blob/master/README.md
Ansible 2.3, works with Ubuntu Xenial and Centos 7 (in general with any systemd distribution)
This role supports the definition of different backups folders and parameters defined as systemd services and triggered by systemd timers.
The idea as create a sort of rclone backup agent completely managed by systemd
timers (instead of cron jobs). It is also capable of setting Xwindow notifications
using notify-send
Have a look at the default configuration parameters defined in default/main.yml
This is an example for a backup configuration:
rclone_version: "1.36"
rclone_config_file: "/etc/rclone.conf"
# Configuration settings definition dictionary. You can copy it directly from
# the rclone config file (I know, it requires you to setup it manually first
# in order to get these parameters).
type: "amazon cloud drive"
client_id: null
client_secret: null
token: '{"access_token":"balblablaa","expiry":"2017-05-13T17:19:52.022195275+02:00"}'
# Backup definition settings
rclone_backup_timer_enable: true
rclone_backup_timer_state: started
# run rclone every hour
rclone_backup_timer_cron: "0/1"
rclone_backup_boot_delay: "15min"
# Folder backup definition list. Each item has
# enable: Enable systemd service, defaults to true
# delete: Delete all files created, defaults to false
# destination: Rclone configuration destination name
# operation: Rclone command, defaults to sync
# folder: Directory where to perform backups from
# args: Additional arguments for the command, defaults to --copy-links
# osd_notify_user: enabled osd notifications to the specified user
# (you need X system running!)
- destination: "AmazonCloud"
folder: "/home/jriguera"
args: "-v --copy-links --one-file-system"
osd_notify_user: jriguera
- "- .Private/"
- "- .atom/"
- "- .adobe/"
- "- .mozilla/"
- "- .macromedia/"
- "- .gvfs/"
- "- .gnome2_private/"
- "- .cache/"
- "- .dotfiles/"
- "- .ecryptfs/"
- "- .bundle/"
- "- .bosh/"
- "- .bosh_init/"
- "- .dropbox*/"
- "- .glide/"
- "- .thumbnails/"
- "- .vagrant.d/"
- "- .gem/"
- "- .ansible/"
- "- .bundle/"
With this configuration, it will create a .backup.conf
file in /home/jriguera
with all those settings. It will also create a .backup.filters
in the same folder.
Please be aware of the filter definition uses the format defined in
This Ansible role uses systemd timers (not cron), so:
- List the systemd timers, type:
systemctl list-timers --all
- To stop rclone timer:
systemctl stop rclone.timer
- To disable rclone timer:
systemctl disable rclone.timer
- To run manually the backups (with the timer stopped/disabled):
systemctl start rclone.target
- To list the systemd rclone units:
systemctl list-unit-files rclone*
For each backup, it will create a service instance (with @
) which can be
independently enabled or disabled, inheriting from the rclone target definition.
José Riguera López [email protected] 2017