#IPPtool This project is designed to gather some helpful ipptool commands that allow you to check printer status. It also contains a simple bash script to simplify the usage of the ipptool command.
##Script usage: ./ipp.sh printer-ip ipp-version test-file user
- printer-ip is the printer where the test is going to be executed. The port will always the standard IPP port 631.
- ipp-version is the IPP version used to execute the test. It can take the values {1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2}.
- test-file is the .test file that contains the test to be executed. It has to follow ipptool syntax (run
man ipptoolfile
on your console for detailed information). - user contains the requested user that performs the request. Some printers filter their results according to the requesting user (for example, when returning the completed jobs list).