Version 1 for Panache.
You'll need the following installed to run the application
- ruby 2.6 or higher
- bundler -
gem install bundler
- PostgreSQL -
brew install postgresql
- Yarn -
brew install yarn
or Install Yarn
- Clubs and Events are 2 separated tables
- A Club belongs to a User
- An Event belongs to a User
- An Event eventually belongs to a club
- A Club or An Event has many sports through ClubSport
Only model tests are present using Rspec.
- TailwindCss as CSS library with webpack
- We use stimulus as a modest JS framework with tailwind-stimulus-components
A staging environment has been set with a Continuous Deployment. Two rake tasks are present to seed sports from a CSV and 2021 events from a JSON. Those rake tasks don't destroy the datas.
git push staging
heroku run rails db:seed
heroku run sport:create --remote staging
heroku run event:create --remote staging