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Motivation for WUI

Wizcorp UI (hereafter referred to as 'WUI') is a series of UI elements that were created to minimize programmer interaction with the DOM and eliminate the need for programmers to create HTML. Here at Wizcorp, we make single-page applications that often have many thousands of lines of generated HTML. Therefore, even a single DOM query can be very slow, resulting in an unacceptably slow user experience. WUI allows the programmer to create HTML elements while minimizing interaction with the DOM, and maintain fine-level control over exactly when, where and in what manner data is displayed and how events are handled.

WUI also allows for simple interaction with Tomes, another Wizcorp API, to allow DOM elements to be updated whenever the underlying data associated with them changes. This is useful for such things as validation, real-time data display and for asynchronous processing. By fully leveraging the non-blocking nature of Node.js, WUI will perform nearly real-time updating of data and allow the programmer to avoid DOM calls, have more compact code and allow for more reusable user interface components.

What WuiDom is

WuiDom is the base object of the WUI system. It represents the smallest unit of programmatic logic, an object corresponding to an underlying HTML element and that associated data (including, but not limited to, a Tome), events and other properties. WuiDom allows the programmer to keep a reference to generated elements (if desired) or to create throw-away elements. A simple function can create a generic UI template or create a custom view. Because WuiDom inherits from EventEmitter, programmer-defined events can be conditionally emitted and handled by WUI or other modules.

WUI Components

One of the major goals of WUI, aside from reducing interaction with the DOM, is to enable developers to create re-usable user interface components, common behaviours and reusable views. When creating WUI components, please try to keep that goal in mind. The ideal WUI component can be used on many views and ideally that means to not making too many assumptions about the underlying data or the the business logic of the game.

Below is a partial list of the existing WUI components, and what their primary functions are:


You can read the WuiButton documentation here.


You can read about the WuiView documentation here.


You can read more about the WuiImage documentation here.

Creating a new WuiDom element

There are a few ways to create a WuiDom element. The first, and easiest, way is to create a WuiDom element is to use the createChild method. Another way to create a WuiDom is to use the WuiDom constructor, which is more useful for creating the first WuiDom element on a page.

Using the constructor

It takes an HTML tag and an object map for options. Valid options include className, text, attr (an object of HTML attributes, user-defined) and the option 'hidden', to allow the element to not be immediately displayed.

Each WuiDom object represents an HTML element. The constructor will tell the WuiDom element which HTML element it is representing.

var container = new WuiDom('div', { className: 'container' });

You can also give an DOM element as first arguments.

var htmlElement = document.querySelector('#main');
var main = new WuiDom(htmlElement);

Here an existing HTML element is been attached to a new instance of WuiDom. It's usually the method used to create the parent WuiDom of a web application. Once an initial WuiDom element exists, we should be able to use it to create any other new WuiDom elements. This allows for pages to be built iteratively.


NOTE: To use this method, you must have an existing WuiDom parent element.

Calling the method:

parentElement.createChild(tagName, { name: 'myElement' });

The method createChild will create a WuiDom object and then immediately call appendChild to insert the element. The result is a new child element is immediately inserted as the last child of parentElement. Please note that this method is the preferred way to create new WuiDom elements.

The createChild method takes an HTML tag name (such as 'input', 'label', 'div' or so forth) and a list of associated options. WUI created an underlying rootElement (discussed at length below) and appends the element as the last child element of the parent (caller) element.

An options element can contain numerous keys that are used by WuiDom to create the HTML element. Consider the following example:

The option name represent an identifier with which it can be retrieve using getChild.

var options = { text: 'Example', className: 'exampleClass', style: { margin: '5px', display:
'inline-block' }, attr: { type: 'text', maxlength: '4' }};
var newInputElement = parentElement.createChild('input', options);

In the above example, the code assumes parentElement already exists and is also a WuiDom object (see above for creating the first WuiDom object in your code!). Here we create an input tag (could just as easily be a 'div' or 'button'.)

WUI reads the options object next, and creating a child text-node based on the user-supplied 'text' option, in this case using 'Example' for the text. It then applies the style and class name. Finally, WUI will add each attribute specified by the keys in the 'attr' object. The resulting HTML markup can be seen below:

<input style="margin: 5px; display: inline-block;" class="exampleClass" type="text" maxlength="4" value="Example" />

This element is created, and immediately appended to the parentElement. In general, it is better for you to add attributes under the 'attr' object at object initialization time. This minimizes the number of repeated DOM calls (which are slow) and allows you to leverage WuiDom's attribute cache for even greater performance.

After the underlying element is created, it is stored in the variable called 'newInputElement'. This allows you to perform other operations on the newly created WuiDom element.

Inserting a WuiDom element

There are many methods for inserting a WuiDom element on to the document. Note that these methods all assume that a WuiDom element is being attached to another WuiDom element. For an example of creating new WuiDom elements, please read above.


Calling the method:

var childElement = new WuiDom('label', { name: 'child', text: 'Example' });

In the above code, we see that a childElement is created as a label with the text 'Example', and then appended to a previously existing parentElement. Usually it is better to call parentElement.createChild(), since it will perform the appendChild automatically. It is sometimes however, useful not to append an element immediately after it is created. The newly created WuiDom element also got a named assign to retrieve it easily using getChild.


Calling the method:

if (someValue >= 5) {
    var childElement = new WuiDom('label', { text: 'Example' });
    childElement.appendTo(parentElement); // Equivalent to parentElement.appendChild(childElement);

In the above example code, if the value of someValue is greater than or equal to 5, a child element is created, and then appended to a previously existing parentElement. One of the main advantages of appendTo and appendChild, is that elements can be conditionally or dynamically added based on programmatic logic. This is useful for views that will change depending on program execution or external factors.

Please note that this method requires an existing parentElement.


Calling the method:

var ListElement = function(textValue) {, 'li', { text: textValue });

var ulElement = pageElement.createChild('ul');
var secondElement = ulElement.createChild(new ListElement('Item 2' ));
var firstElement = new WuiDom(new ListElement('Item 1'));

In this example, we create a ul element, and two li elements. The first element is defined using a new WuiDom and then inserted before the second element on the last line of the example. This method is mostly useful for when you need to prepend an element to a list of existing elements, such as a validation message notification panel.

Please note that the argument passed to this function must be a WuiDom element. Also, it must have a parent node for this method to work successfully.


Calling the method:

var ListElement = function(textValue) {, 'li', { text: textValue });

var ulElement = pageElement.createChild('ul');
ulElement.createChild(new ListElement('Second child'));
ulElement.insertAsFirstChild(new ListElement('First child'));

In this example, we create a ul element, and then append a ListElement second child. The final line creates the first child, and inserts it as the first child. This method is useful for when you want to prepend an item to a list, but might not have a readily available reference to the current firstChild element (such as a dropdown list).

Please note that the object this method is called from is assumed to be the parent node. The programmer should of course be careful to not try and make invalid child elements.


Calling the method:

parentElement.insertChildBefore(newChildElement, elementToInsertBefore);

var ListElement = function(textValue) {, 'li', { text: textValue });
var ulElement = pageElement.createChild('ul');
ulElement.createChild(new ListElement('First child'));
var thirdChild = ulElement.createChild(new ListElement('Third child'));
ulElement.insertChildBefore(new ListElement('Second child'), thirdChild);

This method is different from the insertBefore method, in that it allows you to explicitly specify the parentElement. The first argument of this function specifies a new child element, and the second specifies a WuiDom element that the new child Element should be inserted before.

As in the previous examples, the parameters mentioned are all assumed to be WuiDom objects.


Calling the method:

    var myElements = myContainer.getChildren();

    for (var i= 0, len = myElements.length; i < len; i += 1) {

The method will return a copy of the children list. Using it can help to iterate through elements easily for specific task.


Calling the method:

    var myComponentName = myContainer.getWuiName();

This method will return the name of the WuiDom given at the creation.


Calling the method:

    var myTitle = myContainer.getChild('title');

This method will return a child by its name if assigned, or undefined if not.


Calling the method:

    var oldChild = myContainer.removeChild(titleBoxElement);


    var oldChild = myContainer.removeChild('title');

It's possible to remove a child by using the object itself or its name if any; It will return the WuiDom child itself.


Calling the method:

    var myElement = myContainer.getChild('name');

Calling this, the WuiDom will remove itself from its parent and destroy all its children. Then cleanup all event listener on itself and its rootElement (Node).


Calling the method:


Calls destroy on all the children of the WuiDom recursively through the whole three. Also empties the current text or html if any.

Display logic

WuiDom display can be easily manipulated. It has default method implementations of show and hide that can be overridden‎. These methods will be called when show or hide is used and will emit a corresponding event. The method isVisible is also available to know the current status of the WuiDom, but does not depend on its parent.


Default method to show the element. Sets the display css property to ''.


Default method to hide the element. Sets the display css property to 'none'.


Calls the showMethod and emits a 'show' event.


Calls the hideMethod and emits a 'hide' event.


Will call hide or show depending of the visibility status. Can receive a boolean as argument to force the display.

  • true to show
  • false to hide

Returns the current visibility status of the wuiDom object. When given true as argument, it will look at the ancestor tree to check the visibility status of them.

if (shouldHide) {

myWuiDom.on('show', function () {
    console.log('I am visible');

Binding to a Tome

WuiDom supports binding to a Tome object, and updating the underlying HTML element with specific data. By binding a Tome to a WuiDom element, the programmer can leverage the full power of Node.js to allow for real-time updating of interfaces when changes are made at a data-level.

The code below demonstrates how the contents of a Tome might be bound to a WuiDom element.

var questDisplay = pageElement.createChild('div');
questDisplay.bindToTome(tomeObject, function () {

    for (var quest in tomeObject) {
        if (tomeObject.hasOwnProperty(quest)) {
            var questLineInput = questDisplay.createChild('input', { type: 'checkbox',
            disabled: 'disabled', checked: quest.isComplete ? 'checked' : ''});

In the example above, we bind the 'tomeObject' Tome to the element questDisplay. The first argument tells the questDisplay div which Tome it will use. The second argument is a function that is called every time data within the Tome changes. So every time the questLog changes, Tomes will fire an event and WuiDom will run this update function in order to refresh the player quest log display.

In the case of this example, the quest log renders as a checkbox list. Each checkbox is checked if the quest has been completed, and contains the title of the quest. It is important to note that the function provided for argument 2 is executed every single time a data change occurs, regardless of how significant the change is. Because of this, it's often best to provide concise, efficient update functions.

If you don't provide a second argument, a default function will call the setText method on the binded element with the tome value.


WuiDom inherits from EventEmitter, and as such it allows the programmer to define and catch their own custom events. In addition, WuiDom can be configured to support the normal DOM events such as onchange, onclick and others.


The allowDomEvents function can be called from any WuiDom element, in order to tell WUI that the element will listen for DOM events. The correct syntax for DOM events is 'dom.event'. Therefore the change event would be emitted as 'dom.change'.

Note that by default, DOM events are not propagated through WUI. This method must be called in order to enable DOM events on a WuiDom object.

var playerXPElement = pageElement.createChild('input', { type: 'text', disabled: 'disabled' });


playerXPElement.on('dom.change', function() {
    var xp = playerXPElement.rootElement.value;
    var isLevelUp = checkLevelUp(xp);

    if (isLevelUp) {

In this example, we create a WuiDom element called playerXPElement. The function call to allowDomEvents tells WUI that the element that wants to consume DOM events. In the final line, we tell the element to run the function every time the dom.change event is fired.

When the method runs, it will check to see if the player has gained a level, and then possibly display an animation. If the player levels up, an event called levelUp is emitted. This is just one example of how events might be used with WUI. Please see here for a list of DOM events.

Operations on a WuiDom element

WuiDom supports a number of functions that can be used to interact with the underlying element, even after the element has already been added to the DOM. One primary purpose of WUI, is to allow these operations to be performed without having to pay the cost of an inefficient DOM lookup every time we wish to run a command.

Example 1:

var newElement = new WuiDom('div', { className: 'box' });

Here we create a new WuiDom object which would be a div with the css class set to 'box'.

Example 2:

var inherit = require('inherit');
var WuiDom = require('WuiDom');
var buttonBehavior = require('wuiButtonBehavior');

function MyButton(caption) {, 'div', { className: 'MyButton', text: caption });

inherit(MyButton, WuiDom);
module.exports = MyButton;

In this example, we define a button called MyButton. Then call the WuiDom constructor with arguments to tell the element is a 'div' with a css class and a text.


The setText method is used to set the inner text of a WuiDom element. The initial text value of a WuiDom can also be set using the text property of the 'options' object, as described above.

Calling the method:


The setText method takes a text argument and sets the innerText property of the rootElement of the WuiDom element. It's important to note that this does not change the value of the rootElement, just the display text.

Another use of this function

newElement.setText(value, interval);

The 'value' can also be a function, in which case the function is called repeatedly every 'interval' milliseconds, until the element is destroyed using destroy or this function is called again.


The getText method will retrieve the current innerText property of a WuiDom element. Note that this value may very well be undefined if the text property has not yet been set

Calling the method:

var text = newElement.getText();


The setStyle method is used to set the style properties of an already-defined WuiDom element.

childElement.setStyle(property, value);

Here the method will take a single style property and set its value. No validation is done on the parameters, so the user should be careful to not set invalid styles with this method.


The setStyles method is used to set multiple style properties of an WuiDom element.

childElement.setStyles({ width: '30px', height: '20px' });


The getStyle method is used to check the value of specific properties of the style attribute. The method will return the value of the specified property, if it exists. If the property does not exist, then the method will return 'undefined'.

Calling the method:



The unSetStyle method will set a specified style to null. It is equivalent to calling setStyle(property, null).

Calling the method:



The getComputedStyle method will return the computed style (CSS style text) for a given property of the style element. If the property is not defined, WuiDom will return 'undefined'. The property should be in javascript notation (background-image -> backgroundImage).

Calling the method:



The getComputedStyles method will return the computed style (CSS style text) for given properties as separate arguments. WuiDom will return an object with the properties as key and their computed style as value ('undefined' if the property is not defined). The properties should be in javascript notation (background-image -> backgroundImage).

Calling the method:

childElement.getComputedStyles(property1, property2, ...);


The getClassNames function will return the class names associated with the WuiDom element. If there is more than one class name, the class names are returned as an Array of strings. If there is only one class name, then it is returned as a string.

Note If there are no class names, then this method will return undefined

Calling the method:



The setClassNames function is used to set the class names associated with a WuiDom element. The method takes one or multiple strings and overwrites the current classes (if any) associated with the WuiDom element.

Calling the function:

childElement.setClassNames('big', 'unread');

Note that the old class names will be overwritten by this call.


The addClassNames function works like the setClassNames function, except that existing class names are preserved. You can use this function without worrying about specifying duplicate class names, since WuiDom will take care of that for you.

Calling the method:



The hasClassName function takes a class name as a string, and then will check if it exists or not in the class names associated with the WuiDom element.

Calling the method:

var hasClassName = childElement.hasClassName('long');


The delClassNames method will take one or multiple string of class names and delete them from the class names, if they exist.

Calling the method:



The toggleClassNames method will switch the presence of a the given list of class names. Can receive a boolean as second argument to force the switch and call respectively addClassNames or delClassNames.

Calling the method:

var isRead = someFunction();
childElement.toggleClassNames(['read'], isRead);


The replaceClassNames method effectively calls addClassNames and then delClassNames, adding an array of classNames and then deleting others. Either parameter can be empty.

Calling the method:

childElement.replaceClassNames(['unread'], ['read', 'stroke']);


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