- Victoria, BC, Canada
- www.jamiestarke.com
NanoKVM: Affordable, Multifunctional, Nano RISC-V IP-KVM
📫 A serverless email server on AWS using S3 and SES
Paste text even when not allowed (password dialogs etc) in macOS
DEPRECATED — assume-role: a CLI tool making it easy to assume IAM roles through an AWS Bastion account
LGTM is a simple pull request approval system [ARCHIVE]
A collection of my config files, and shell scripts that I put into my home directory on my machine
Bash, Zsh and fish completion support for git-flow.
cross-platform ContactChooser plugin for Cordova / PhoneGap
This repository is deprecated head to phonegap/phonegap-push-plugin
A Simple Collection server that accepts data from Browser Extensions, and stores the data in a MYSQL Database
A Firefox Extension for logging Web Navigations for Theia
A Chrome Extension for logging Web Navigations for Theia
A Tool for collecting Web Navigation activities for research purposes.
A research tool to help with on-the-fly collection and exploration of tweets
A Tool for exploring the Board Appointments to Crown Corporations