RC Heli pilot and hobby programmer who is always looking for ways to help RC pilots and other enthusiasts to #KeepRCHelisAlive
- Pittsburgh, PA
- OpenTX/EdgeTX Discord : jrwieland#9849
Widget to display the levels of Lipo/HV-Lipo battery with mAh used based on battery voltage from 'Cels' sensor (FLVSS)
Multiprotocol TX Module (or MULTI-Module) is a 2.4GHz transmitter module which controls many different receivers and models.
jrwieland / opentx
Forked from opentx/opentxOpenTX custom firmware for Transmitters
Source lists for OpenTX and EdgeTX with Cross Reference ID numbers
Updated May 27, 2022
Enhanced music player for OpenTX & EdgeTX radios 9XD, Xlite, Q7 and color screen versions (Horus, Jumper, and Radiomaster) radios. Multiple Playlists allow you to listen to your music while flying …
jrwieland / TaraniTunes_v4.1
Forked from GilDev/TaraniTunesEnhanced music player for Open TX radios See TaraniTunes-v4.x Repository for Current Vervions