- Pro
Bayesian Modeling and Probabilistic Programming in Python
jsalvatier / Theano-1
Forked from Theano/TheanoOptimizing GPU-meta-programming code generating array oriented optimizing math compiler in Python
jsalvatier / lesswrong
Forked from jsomers/lesswrongLess Wrong platform
Theano was a Python library that allows you to define, optimize, and evaluate mathematical expressions involving multi-dimensional arrays efficiently. It is being continued as PyTensor: www.github.…
Experimental package that eventually became PyMC3 (https://github.com/pymc-devs/pymc3)
samplers for pymc that require gradients
The fundamental package for scientific computing with Python.
Utility functions for getting numpy data from a database, MySQL etc.
Python package for solving two-point boundary value problems that wraps BVP_SOLVER
Multichain MCMC framework and algorithms based on PyMC.
Prototyping numpy arrays with named axes for data management.