Written by Peter Illmayer
Adapted by Jeroen Schaeken replacing ethernet by Wifi
Uses Arduino Mega 2560 as an MQTT client for Digital Inputs and Outputs.
When an input is open/closed an MQTT message is sent to a broker
Outputs can be controlled by MQTT messages
This code should be considered ALPHA and use at your own risk. The code is here to keep as a backup. There is considerable cleanup to be done however it is functional. I'm not a programmer but get a kick out of I0T MQTT devices.
Lots of debug available on the serial port.
As a proof of concept I adapted the code to work with a Mega2560 + WiFi R3 ATmega2560+ESP8266 32Mb memory USB-TTL CH340G
you can find on Aliexpress for around 10 euros. I tested it with a traditional Arduino Mega hooked up to a ESP8266 NodeMcu via Serial3. Instructions for the Mega2560+Esp8266 in one board can be found here:
You need to flash the esp8266 with the firmware found here: https://github.com/jandrassy/arduino-firmware-wifilink, the WiFilink library for arduino needs to be put on your Arduino IDE as instructed here: https://github.com/jandrassy/arduino-library-wifilink.
At first, I struggled getting the esp8266 to work reliable, e.g. I could not get an ip when connecting to the AP and when I did I got empty pages, etc. It got solved by downgrading Arduino to 2.4.1, there`s an issue open for this JAndrassy/arduino-firmware-wifilink#10
When the unit powers up it will send all of its inputs via MQTT. If outputs have a retain flag set, the output will follow the MQTT retain flag
Inputs: When the pin is grounded the MQTT payload is 0, when open the payload is 1. Topic can be customised via panelID value
Inputs will automatically send status on pin toggle
stat/panelId/Input/1 0 for pin shorted to ground
stat/panelId/Input/1 1 for pin open circuit (has pullups enabled)
Outputs: When a payload 1 is received the output goes LOW, payload 1 sets output HIGH. panelID currently set to 20(iD)
cmnd/panelId/Output/1 1 this will turn output 1 on
cmnd/panelId/Output/1 0 this will turn output 1 off
When an output is turned on, a response is sent back to the broker so you know the output turned on (great for NodeRed)
Received message: cmnd/panelId/Output/1 0
Reply message: stat/panelId/Output/1 0
Rudimentry LWT is implemented
tele/panelId Connected-Disconnected
On connected, board sends all of the input statuses
Send TOPIC cmnd/panelID/reboot 0 and it will reboot the arduino. tele/panelID will populate payload with rebooting.
A0-A7, A8-A15, D40-D47 are inputs
D16-D23, D24-D31, D32-D39 are outputs
Input A0 always reports status on boot, need to find that
Considerable load testing of turning 8 outputs on and off very rapidly causes the arduino to reboot. Not sure if this is bloated code or a buffer overflow in the MQTT client. This kind of rapid output switching would not occur in a home automation project
In particular inspiration provided by Jonathan Oxer from Superhouse. This code was based on his LIghtswitchMQTT controller.