This is a demo app that includes a basic Express app with MongoDB backend. This fork adds support for running the entire setup under docker using docker-compose for container orchestration. It also removes the use of pm2 and config. A single image newrelic/nodetest is used/shared by all 3 containers.
- You must have docker (and docker-compose) installed and configured on your system.
- You need to set the NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY environment variable to your New Relic license key before running the command below.
$ docker-compose up --build
This will start 3 containers. One running mongodb v3.3, one running the nodetest API app, and one running the nodetest Web app. The web app is available at http://localhost:3000
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.load.yml up --build
This will start 4 containers. One running mongodb v3.3, one running the nodetest API app, one running the nodtest Web app, and one running the nodetest load generator to drive traffic to the web app.
Primary libraries used:
- express - for web and api framework
- jade - UI templates
- mongodb - native db calls
- request - api client calls to backends
Testing via:
- mocha - test framework
- superagent - HTTP testing tools
- faker - generate fake test data
Monitoring via:
- morgan - logging
- newrelic - performance monitoring