8086 / 80286 PC compatible computer board with FPGA
Self-hosted huggingface mirror service. 自建huggingface镜像服务。
Generate documentation from Azure Pipelines YAML templates
Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command.
Sample code to boot on Eloraam's RPC8/e 65el02 CPU in Red Power / Minecraft
The iconic SVG, font, and CSS toolkit
TDSM - .NET and Mono compatible Terraria Server Software Mod
kev009 development repo. Canonical repo @ craftd/craftd (see project URL)
Microtouch - AVR development board with 2.8" TFT Touch Screen
UNMAINTAINED: Reverse-engineered Minecraft stuff. Worked with 1.4.x protocol
Custom Minecraft server software written in C++ for Windows and Linux
A script to autobuild an open source toolchain for the PS3.
utgarda / rush
Forked from adamwiggins/rushRuby replacement for bash+ssh
jshield / scanty
Forked from adamwiggins/scantyThe blog that's almost nothing