roomy scene management system for the playdate
A demo app for the StoreKit2 blog post
Lambda function for executing pg_dump and streaming the output to s3.
general purpose extensions to golang's database/sql
A launch point for your personal nvim configuration
A simple and powerful content-driven static site generator.
A clean and simple personal site/blog theme for the Zola static site generator
Version 1.2. This is the source code to STUNTMAN - an open source STUN server and client code by john selbie. Compliant with the latest RFCs including 5389, 5769, and 5780. Also includes backwards …
Reactivity without the framework
Ultra-lean, Web Components enhanced, no-build, no-dependencies boilerplate for PWAs
AST visualizer for Swift source code
A set of Swift libraries for parsing, inspecting, generating, and transforming Swift source code.
An open source engine for your digital products. Sell SaaS and digital products in minutes.
noDRM / DeDRM_tools
Forked from apprenticeharper/DeDRM_toolsDeDRM tools for ebooks
This project has moved to - A framework for creating user interfaces for GNOME with an API similar to SwiftUI
Run API Gateway locally against your HTTP Lambda containers
Authenticating with AWS Cognito
Examples demonstrating various aspects of the Hummingbird swift server framework
HTTP client library built on SwiftNIO
Swift SDK for AWS that works on Linux, macOS and iOS
HTTP server for Hummingbird the lightweight, flexible web application framework written in Swift
Swift implementation of AWS Lambda Events
Super lightweight async HTTP server library in pure Swift runs in iOS / MacOS / Linux