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Perform photometry on JWST images using Source Extractor and EAZY.

Important Classes and Methods

Convert default MAST i2d.fits files into pixel-aligned science and weight extensions.

init() - Splits and reprojects i2d.fits files and prints the field, image directory, and image naming scheme, which can be fed to the sextractor class.

	image_dir - directory in which the i2d.fits files are stored
	file - pattern of filenames of the images (replace the filter with *)        
	field - field name to put in image and catalog files
	reproject - whether or not to reproject images (default True)
	i2d - whether or not input images are i2d.fits files (default True)

	Returns: Nothing, but prints field, image_dir, new file pattern, and zeropoints

bkgsub() - Can be called after go() to subtract the background from the images.

	size - size of tiles to compute and subtract background from (default 100 pixels)

	Returns: Nothing, but prints field, image_dir, and new file pattern

tweakwcs() - Aligns images of mismatched WCS and then reprojects them again.

	cat_dir - directory to store SExtractor catalogs
	config_file - absolute file path to SExtractor configuration file
	ref_filt - filter to match other filters to (default shortest wavelength filter)
	overwrite - whether or not to overwrite catalogs (default False)

Run source extractor on science and weight images created by prepimg, and produce plots.

init() - gets necessary info to run source extractor

	field - field name
	image_dir - directory that contains images
	imfile - image file naming scheme
	cat_dir - directory to place catalogs
	zp - array of zeropoints in the form (zp_sw, zp_lw) (default 28.0865 for both - true for 30mas pixels)

	Returns: Nothing

set_psf() - sets bounds of fwhm and magnitude to do star-galaxy separation

	filt - filter that it applies to
	fwhm - minimum fwhm that an object (star or galaxy) can have to be counted in the plots
	end - maximum fwhm that a star can have
	mag - maximum magnitude that a star can have

	Returns: Nothing

set_sb() - sets shape of surface brightness and point source sensitivity limit

	filt - filter that it applies to
	sb_min - point source sensitivity limit (magnitude)
	sb_turn - fwhm where the point source and surface brightness sensitivity limits meet
	sb_slope - slope of the surface brightness sensitivity

	Returns: Nothing

sextract() - gets images, gets pixel sizes, gets areas, gets exposure times, and runs source extractor

	config_file - absolute path to SExtractor configuration file
	dual - dual image mode option (default False=don't run dual image, else specify filter to use as detection image)
	overwrite - whether or not to overwrite the files (default False)

	Returns: Nothing

run_plots() - creates photometry plots using previously created SExtractor catalogs

	Arguments: None
	Returns: Nothing

Makes a custom catalog in AB Mag using each catalog generated from SExtractor so that it may be passed to eazy to find the Photometric Redshift of each object in the catalog

init() - Receives necessary info to initialize a field with its catalogs

	field - the field name
	cat_dir - catalog directory where SExtractor catalogs exist on your machine
	cat_file - catalog file namestyle so that it can group catalogs in each filter
	pixsize - pixel size found in fits file data

	Returns: Nothing

match() - Filters nondetections and aligns each catalog using SkyCoord and then writes to a single catalog for eazy

	det_filt - string of the name of the filter to use as the matching filter

	Returns: Nothing

Runs eazy wherever it exists on your machine and then generates SED vs Chi^2 Plots with eazy photometric Output

init() - Receives location of eazy and the custom parameters

	eazypath - path to eazy-photoz on your machine to navigate files properly
	params - dictionary of parameters with correct parameter formatting to then write to zphot.param so that it  
	     overides zphot.param.default

	Returns: Nothing

makeparam() - makes zphot.param file

	Arguments: None
	Returns: Nothing

run() - runs eazy on your machine, set logfile=False to show output. Otherwise, output is written to a log file ex: ../src/eazy > logifle

	logfile - logfile=False to show output, logfile=True to save output to a log file (default True)

	Returns: Nothing (but runs EAZY so saves all of the resulting files in OUTPUT directory)

makePlots() - makes SED template plots, Chi^2 vs Z plots from eazy output, and color stamps of individual high-z galaxies.

	output_dir - path of eazy OUTPUT directory
	imrgb - array of RGB values for entire field
	zmin - minimum redshift value to make plots for (default 7)
	zmax - maximum redshift value to make plots for (default 100)

	Returns: eazy plots + color stamps of high-z galaxies

Creates color images from science images so that it can be fed to for plotting individual galaxies.

init() - receives location of image files, as well as the field name for saving images.

	image_dir - directory that contains science images
	imfiles - pattern of filenames within image_dir
	field - name of field

	Returns: Nothing, but prints filters and images corresponding to each filter

bkgsub() - subtracts background from science images

	Arguments: None
	Returns: Nothing

auto_colors() - assigns colors to each filter from purple (short wavelength) to red (long wavelength)

	Arguments: None
	Returns: prints contribution of each filter to R, G, B (in that order)

manual_colors() - assigns colors to each filter based on a dictionary input to the method

	color_dict - dictionary with filters (uppercase) as the keys and tuples of (R, G, B) values as values.

make_stamp() - creates a color image stamp to assign levels to the various parameters of Trilogy.

	sample_size - side width of square image (default 1000)
	dx - shift from the center of the image in pixels (right = positive) (default 0)
	dy - shift from the center of the image in pixels (up = positive) (default 0)
	noiselum - saturation value of pixels at noisesig sigma above the mean surface brightness value (default 0.12) (spans from 0-1)
	satpercent - percent of pixels to be saturated at 1.0 (default 0.001)
	noisesig - number of sigma above the mean for pixels to have a value of noiselum (default 1)
	noisefloorsig - number of sigma below the mean for pixels to be black (0.0) (default 2)

	Returns: color image stamp as a matplotlib plot

make_RGB() - makes full field RGB image from scaling found with make_stamp()

	Arguments: None
	Returns: Nothing

enhance() - enhances full field RGB image and saves it.

	color - color enhancement multiplier (1.0 = no change) (default 1.3)
	contrast - contrast enhancement multiplier (default 1.4)
	brightness - brightness enhancement multiplier (default 1.1)
	sharpness - sharpness enhancement multiplier (default 1.9)

	Returns: array of RGB values, and saves enhanced image in image_dir


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