This is a utility for ESC/POS commands.
Since it is under development, the API, functions, configuration, etc. may change significantly.
Currently, it have the following four projects.
EscPosUtils: Library for Tokenize, Decode, Encode (and others) for ESC/POS commands
EscPosDecode: A command line tool that parses binary data files for ESC/POS commands.
EscPosEncode: A command line tool that creates binary data files for ESC/POS commands.
TestEscPosUtils: EscPosUtils library test program.
To develop and execute this program you need:
- Visual Studio 2022 or Visual Studio Community 2022 version 17.3.4
- .NET 6.0-Windows
- .NET Standard 2.1
- .NET Core App 3.1
- KGySoft.CoreLibraries 6.0.2
- KGySoft.Drawing.Common 6.3.2
- System.Drawing.Common 6.0.0
- System.Drawing.Primitives 4.3.0
- System.Reflection 4.3.0
- System.Text.Encoding.CodePages 6.0.0
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Scripting 4.3.0
- Microsoft.CSharp 4.7.0
- Microsoft.NET.Test.sdk 17.3.1
- MSTest.TestAdapter 2.2.10
- MSTest.TestFramework 2.2.10
- coverlet.collector 3.1.2
namespase & using: kunif.EscPosUtils
Enum: EscPosCmdType
class: EscPosCmd, EscPosTokenizer, EscPosDecoder, EscPosEncoder
EscPosCmdType: ESC/POS commands defined as Enums
EscPosCmd: Class that holds ESC/POS command data and analysis results
- cmdtype: Enum value of ESC/POS command type
- cmddata: Command byte array data
- cmdlength: Command byte length
- paramdetail: Details of parameter values analyzed by EscPosDecoder.Convert
- somebinary: Bitmap of graphics and user-defined characters parsed by EscPosDecoder.Convert
EscPosTokenizer: A class that separates ESC/POS command data for each command
Scan: Tokenization method
- Byte array of ESC/POS command data to be separated
- Initial state Printer/LineDisplay type
- SBCS font size pattern
- CJK MBCS font size pattern
- LineDisplay font size pattern
Return value
- List of EscPosCmd as a result of carving
EscPosDecoder: A class that adds the details of the command isolated by EscPosTokenizer.Scan.
Convert: Parameter detail conversion Method
- List of EscPosCmd of EscPosTokenizer.Scan result
Return value
- List of EscPosCmd with parameter analysis results added
s_StringESCRICS : Dictionary for international character set processing
s_cp???? : Dictionary for conversion of printable/displayable data visualization process
GetEmbeddedESCtCodePage, PrtESCtCodePage, VfdESCtCodePage : Auxiliary methods and dictionaries for the above processing
EscPosEncoder: A class that creates ESC/POS command data and holds it as a List of EscPosCmd.
The binary file in which the ESC/POS command is recorded is specified as a parameter and analyzed.
Main help
Usage: EscPosDecode InputFilePath [Options]
InputFilePath : specify input ESC/POS binary file path. required.
-H : display this usage message.
-F : display supported font size pattern detail message.
-L : display supported CodePage and International character set type list message.
-D {Printer | LineDisplay} : specify initial device type. default is Printer.
-O OutputFilePath : specify output tokenized (and decoded) text file path. default is STDOUT.
-T : specify Tokenize only. default are both tokenize and decode.
-C CodePage : specify initial CodePage number. default system setting of Language for non-Unicode programs.
-I International character set type : specify initial International character set type. default 0
-G GraphicsFolderPath : specify decoded graphics&font output folder path. default&tokenize only are not output.
-S FontPattern : specify SBCS supported font size pattern 1 to 9. default is 1.
-M FontPattern : specify CJK MBCS supported font size pattern 1 to 5. default is 1.
-V FontPattern : specify LineDisplay supported font size pattern 1 or 2. default is 1.
Font size pattern help
Supported Font size pattern:
SBCS(Single Byte Character Sequence)
Pattern 1 2 3 4 5
Font Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height
A 12 x 24 12 x 24 12 x 24 12 x 24 12 x 24
B 10 x 24 10 x 24 10 x 24 8 x 16 9 x 17
C 8 x 16 8 x 16 9 x 17
sp.A 24 x 48
Pattern 6 7 8 9
Font Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height
A 12 x 24 12 x 24 12 x 24 9 x 9
B 9 x 24 9 x 24 9 x 24 7 x 9
C 9 x 17 9 x 17
D 10 x 24 10 x 24
E 8 x 16 8 x 16
sp.A 12 x 24 12 x 24
sp.B 9 x 24 9 x 24
CJK MBCS(Multi Byte Character Sequence)
Pattern 1 2 3 4 5
Font Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height Width Height
A 24 x 24 24 x 24 24 x 24 24 x 24 16 x 16
B 20 x 24 20 x 24 16 x 16
C 16 x 16
Pattern 1 2
Width Height Width Height
8 x 16 5 x 7
Code page and international character set help
Supported CodePgae list:
System or bundled package supported
437: USA, Standard Europe 720: Arabic 737: Greek 775: Baltic Rim
850: Multilingual 852: Latin 2 855: Cyrillic 857: Turkish
858: Euro 860: Portuguese 861: Icelandic 862: Hebrew
863: Canadian-French 864: Arabic 865: Nordic 866: Cyrillic #2
869: Greek 932: Japanese 1250: Latin 2 1251: Cyrillic
1252: Windows 1253: Greek 1254: Turkish 1255: Hebrew
1256: Arabic 1257: Baltic Rim 1258: Vietnamese 28592: ISO8859-2 Latin 2
28597: ISO8859-7 Greek 28605: ISO8859-15 Latin 9 57002: Devanagari, Marathi 57003: Bengali
57004: Tamil 57005: Telugu 57006: Assamese 57007: Oriya
57008: Kannada 57009: Malayalam 57010: Gujarati 57011: Punjabi
Depends on Printer Model
949: Korea 950: Traditiona Chinese 54936: GB18030 65001: UTF-8
Special embedding support
6: Hiragana 7: OnePass Kanji 1 8:OnePass Kanji 2 11: PC851 Greek
12: PC853 Turkish 20-26: ASCII+ThaiSpecific 30: TCVN-3 1 31: TCVN-3 2
41: PC1098 Farsi 42: PC1118 Lithuanian 43: PC1119 Lithuanian 44: PC1125 Ukrainian
53: KZ-1048 Kazakhstan 254-255: ASCII+HexaDecimal
International Character Set type:
0: U.S.A. 1: France 2: Germany 3: U.K. 4: Denmark I 5: Sweden
6: Italy 7: Spain I 8: Japan 9: Norway 10: Denmark II 11: Spain II
12: Latin America 13: Korea 14: Slovenia/Croatia 15: China 16: Vietnam 17: Arabia
66: Devanagari 67: Bengali 68: Tamil 69: Telugu 70: Assamese 71: Oriya
72: Kannada 73: Malayalam 74: Gujarati 75: Punjabi 82: Marathi
Execute the C# source code programmed using the EscPosEncoder class as a script to create an ESC/POS encoded binary file.
Removed -T,-G options from EscPosDecode tool and added -W,-P options.
Main help
Usage: EscPosEncode InputFilePath [Options]
InputFilePath : specify input ESC/POS encoding script file path. required.
-H : display this usage message.
-F : display supported font size pattern detail message.
-L : display supported CodePage and International character set type list message.
-D {Printer | LineDisplay} : specify initial device type. default is Printer.
-O OutputFilePath : specify output encoded binary file path. default is STDOUT.
-C CodePage : specify initial CodePage number. default system setting of Language for non-Unicode programs.
-I International character set type : specify initial International character set type. default 0
-W PaperWidth : specify paper width by dot. default is 384.
-P PageHeight : specify page mode maximum height by dot. default is 1662.
-S FontPattern : specify SBCS supported font size pattern 1 to 9. default is 1.
-M FontPattern : specify CJK MBCS supported font size pattern 1 to 5. default is 1.
-V FontPattern : specify LineDisplay supported font size pattern 1 or 2. default is 1.
The following two are the same as EscPosDecode help.
Font size pattern help
Code page and international character set help
There are mainly testing the processing results of EscPosTokenizer.Scan.
The known issues are:
- Haven not checked the operation in detail just by creating it. Also, it is not compared with the print result of the printer.
- The Thai character conversion processing dictionary only created the framework and does not reflect the actual character code.
- Some processing may be incorrect due to ambiguity, lack, mistakes, etc. in the specification information available on the Web.
- API, functions, configuration, etc. are subject to change.
- For example, the simulation function of printers and linedisplay devices.
- Alternatively, existing functions may change the targets and parameters to be incorporated.
I would be grateful if you could send me command data samples for graphics, barcodes, user-defined characters, page mode processing, etc. for verification.
Another things, please send me the cut paper, label printing, MICR, check reading, etc. too. if you like.
However, I am only considering support for EPSON desktop POS printers for the time being. Printers of other companies and mobile printers are not covered.
If you want to add customizations for specific printer/vendor specific processing etc., you are free to do it yourself.
However, in that case, change all the information such as the file name and namespace to make it an independent file so that it can be used in parallel with this component.
Licensed under the zlib License.