An Ansible role that sets up the Automatic Ripping Machine on Ubuntu Xenial.
There are no pre-requisites other than Ubuntu Xenial, but it's recommended to install the A.R.M. inside a virtual machine as it takes over the DVD/Blu-ray drive completely.
Installation instructions that use a Vagrant virtual machine can be found in the README for A.R.M..
- ´arm_setup_cifs_user´ CIFS (samba) user to connect as. If left blank, log in as guest.
- ´arm_setup_cifs_password´ CIFS (samba) password.
- ´arm_setup_cifs_path´ CIFS share to mount.
- ´arm_setup_cifs_mount_point´ Where to mount the CIFS share (default: "/mnt/video").
- ´arm_setup_armpath´: Where unidentified ripped movies are stored (default: "/vagrant/Data/Media/Unidentified").
- ´arm_setup_rawpath´: Path for storing raw data (default: "/vagrant/Data/Raw").
- ´arm_setup_media_dir´: Path for storing correctly identified movies (default: "/vagrant/Data/Media/Movies").
- hosts: servers
- { role: automatic-ripping-machine }
Created by Johan Swetén Automatic Ripping Machine by Benjamin Bryan